A Doctor's Visit

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Mom POV 


I pulled up in the parking lot, and got out. I looked at my phone. Yup this was the right answer. I took the elevator to the fifth floor, and stepped into the waiting room. The moment I stepped into the waiting room, the doctor came out and  greeted me. "Hi I am Doctor Lee, and you must be Rebekah!" She exclaimed smiling. I shook her hand nodding politiely. She led me to an office area, and gestured for me to take a seat.  

Dr L.: So you are here for seeing if you can get an a pill to produce breast milk, correct?

R: Yes mam. It's for my daughter. I need breast milk asap. 

Dr. L.: And old is she?

I froze, panicked; but calm on the outside.

R: She's twelve months old. Does that matter?

Dr. L: Of course not! Just making sure. Some people use it for themselves. Just asking. 

She finished up wit the visit quickly. 

Dr. L: Okay, here is a prescription for you!

R: Okay Thank you.

As I get into the car, I am relieved that the visit is over. I head over to the pharmacy, but before I get outt of the car, I change the prescription tto double the  amount, make my hair and makeup look a mess, and then walk into the store. There was a singular lady working, and she was closing up. I put on a desperate mom act. "Please mam! Please my baby needs breast milk, and I cant produce any!" I faked a few tears. She looked me up and down, and nodded, bustling to the back. She bought it thankfully! I soon tearfully thanked her, and rushed out; heading home!

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