New Turn Of Events

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When we got back, Lisa was sleepily watching cartoons with Jade and Brooklyn.

R: How did it go?

J: Oh, we had so much fun!

B: For sure! When is our next visit?

R: Um? Well, you see, we planned a month-long cruise at the beginning of summer, so about two months. Is that okay?

J+B: Of course!! (shrieks in excitement)

Lisa's eyes widened, and she whined behind her pacifier. I looked down at her and smiled.

R: Hi, baby. You are one stinky baby.

She gave me a dirty look, and so when the girls weren't looking (or so I thought) I smacked her hard across the ace. She starts crying and screaming. They look back at her, surprised, so I excuse myself and take her to the crib.

R: No diaper change for you tonight.

I restrained her on the changing table and gave her an enema instead of changing her shitty diaper.

I put her inside the padded crib and restrained her.

R: Night, night.

I laughed at her and closed and locked the door. Sorry, such a sleepy baby.

They nodded knowingly

J: Next week, we were planning a sleepover. Can we invite Lisa, please? My parents will be gone, but we are responsible, right?

B: Of course!

I looked at both girls.

R: Well, How can I say no?

I paid them and walked them to the front door. My husband was taking them home. Be back soon, sweetie. He smiles at me and nods knowingly. And then he was gone.

Dad POV:

I hate what my wife is doing to her. I want to step in, but I do understand that this will only go on another week, and then we will potty train her and everything.

If Only I had stopped everything right then and there.........

Hi peeps! Long time, no see. Sorry for the delay and tell me, is it good, bad?

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