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Brooklyn POV

I quietly turned my key into the lock in the door. I was trying to be as quiet as possible, hoping my dad would be asleep. The death of my mother has been extremely hard on the both of us. She died in a car accident because a drunk driver hit her head on. That was the night of her 32nd birthday. We had a huge surprise party with everyone, even her older brother, and mom and dad. My mom and uncle have always been close. Its a treat to have him around. I took a deep breath and walked in the house. My dad was up reading a magazine, and looked up at me, with a mix of disappointment and sadness in his eyes. He heaved a long, heavy sigh.

Brooklyn's Dad: I am disappointed in you. I thought you were better than this. Didn't your mother and I teach you the golden rule?

I felt my blood boil at the sound of the word mother, and I stared at him in shock.

B:How d..did you know?

B Dad: I am the ears and eyes of the school. Your mother would be so dissapointed in you.

At that statement my anger exploded and before I new what I was doing, I snapped.

B: Don't you dare bring my mother into this. She is gone forever. It's your fault you forgot the stupid cake, and had her stay later than she should of. I wish it was you and not her!

I immediately regretted my words. I burst into tears and ran up to my bedroom, and threw myself on the bed.

When I awoke it was nearly 2A.M. I crept down the stairs and when I got to the living room, I noticed a figure on the floor. I rushed over there, and I gasped. I reached for my phone, and called 911. While I waited for someone to answered; I carefully turned him over. I cried and then realized, if Ii wanted my father to survive; he needed CPR and he needed it ASAP! I wiped my tears and started chest compressions and mouth to mouth. Someone picked up.

911 Operator: 911, What's you emergency?

Brooklyn: Quick help! My father had a heart attack!

911 Operator: Is he breathing? Do you know how to do CPR.

Brooklyn: No, hes not; and yes that is what I am doing right now. 30 chest compressions, and 2 breaths.

911 Operator: Excellent. What is your Address?

I have her my address, and all my other needed information, and she assured me; help was on the way.

Hi guys. Thanks for continuing this journey with me. Love you peeps.  So guys I know, you guys probably want to kill me. I apologize for the being gone. Next part coming out soon. Let me know in the comments below of how you like it.

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