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Supper was interesting. Andrew and I were making small talk, but every once in a while, we would look at Lisa and giggle. Finally she had had enough!

L: Thank you mom for supper. Its delish.

M: Your welcome. Anything for my baby.

Andrew started chuckling, and then snorting, and then laughing so hard, I had to wack him hard on the back to get him to stop. I shot him a nasty look, and then continued to converse with Lisa.

M: So hon, did you finish your homework?

L: Yup! I got it done earlier. I got both essays done today easy peasy lemon squeezy!

I could tell she was  starting to look tired, and sleepy. I made my face look worried, and then her eyes rolled back to the back of her head. 

Andrew and I high-fived, and clapped our hands. 

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