Pg. 61

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Valentina was happy that the guards were resting and had received some alimentation to prepare for the night. She was glad that Bartholomew was coming in the evening in this way the guards and the rest of the moroi would be up to fighting as they would have rested. Including Magnus whom she had started to call grandfather and her dear father-in-law, Darius.

Maybe the reason Bartholomew had made heavy his steps to arrive at Rioja wasn't so he could entangle everybody by surprise but because he knew he would have to rest as well as his followers and coven as she knew they weren't vliver and neither was he as her father and mother were.

She remembered as a young child her family was the only family out in the sun playing with her parents, having a semi-normal tea party with her mother while all other families were inside of the home i.e. coven. She had never understood until one day she saw her friend Claudette go out during the day and as soon as she stepped into the sunlight the top of her foot looked as if it were smoldering. Isabella went to ask her mom to help and that's when their mom explained what had happened and why and why it wouldn't happen to them.

As a child, she thought AWESOME!! but as an adult, she believed it to be the best there was especially at a time such as when she was confronting an enemy like Bartholomew. She was glad to know his weaknesses and strength and she did not hold back from letting the guards know as they awoke from their rest. She needed everything to be over and not only to be over but also to be over with not so many lives lost. That would be the only win in this battle, to capture him and his followers and not have many die.

As the day had gone on the house had been quiet as the girls knew the guards were resting. Even Darius took a somber to get ready. He had stayed behind to fight not really because of the girls because he knew they could take care of themselves but because of one girl in particular and that was his Maira, his sweet daughter.

He was going to do all he could do to get Bartholomew in the grasp of the Council and make sure this time they took their hand to pass onto Bartholomew's condemnation. Many would be in line for that sentence and although he knew he couldn't scream it from the top of the castle he knew that Magnus was the first to be in the front of the line.

"Valentina," called out Isabella, "All of the guards have rested and have been given alimentation I think they will have more strength tonight than they have had on any other night they have fought," and she noticed that the guard she had been 'practicing' with was near her and she asked, "What do you think Elijah?" He got caught off-guard but smiled and said yes.

He thought she was pretty but he respected her because he saw the mate sign she had shown she had already been mated and that meant hands off. Besides being the granddaughter of Elder Magnus it meant sure death so better to look somewhere else. Just then he heard Valentina say, "Well boys, it's show time, the asshole and his followers have arrived and Council has awoken and convened, Let's stay sharp out there, and don't be too overconfident where you don't ask for help if you need it alright it we are in this to get the same thing, catch him and his followers and put end to his reign of terror on all moroi."

As the moroian guards started going out of the house Darius was waiting for the girls. But they were talking amongst themselves, Darius couldn't understand the language all he could see was that they were holding on to each other and Isabella was the one talking.

As both girls held on with their eyes closed Isabella said, "Pomôžte nám, keď ideme proti nepriateľovi, ktorý nás všetkých terorizuje. Daj mi silu Matky prírody a všetkého okolo. Daruj Vallie ducha zúrivosti a ohňa, keď sa pomstíme a ďakujeme za naše dary." (Help us as we go out against the enemy who terrorizes all of us. Grant me the power of Mother Nature and all around. Grant Vallie the spirit of fury and fire as we gain revenge and thank you for our gifts.) An aura came over them and when they felt it they knew they were ready to do battle.

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