Chapter 12

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Everyone gets set to leave. Harley grabs her bat.

"Bruce is coming with me." Han says petting the hyena. "Okie dokie have fun with Han my boy." Harley says petting the Hyena.

"See you on the other side pigtails." Han tells her.

"Y'know you will." Harley says chuckling.

"Good because I want to take you out sometime maybe spend it with you." Han says making Harley smile.

"I love the sound of that." Harley says.

"H and H" Han says as they do their secret hand shake.

"Hobbs is in the other side of the city!" Mia yells out to them. "Okay guys it's showtime!" Dom tells them

"Yipeee!!!" Harley says clapping

"First team in position Lets go!" Dom tells Han, Giselle, Santos, Leo, and Roman as they all get in the cop cars not before Han kisses Harley's temple making her smiles and Giselle gets on her motorcycle. First team leaves.

"Hey Dom. I got eyes on Mia and Harls." Vince tells Dom making him nod.

Harley loads her gun and puts it on her waist. All of a sudden she turns her head hearing screeching tires.

"COPS!" Vince yells out making Dom take Harley away as Brian takes Mia.

"Go Harls leave!" Dom tells her as she nods going to her car. Dom stops seeing Hobbs coming fast straight to his car crushing it.

Harley looks at the car in horror. "You just made a big mistake." Dom says as Hobbs gets out the car as Harley shuts her car door slowly and sneaks away instead of running off.

"Took me a while to find that tracking chip. But not as long to flip the receiver. You're goin down, Toretto." Hobbs says glaring at him.

"I'm right here." Dom says punching Hobbs in the face.

Harley walks away and sees Mia and Bryan watching as a cop slowly walks behind them.

"Is the little piggy lost?" Harley says lowly grabbing a bucket of paint powder hitting the guys head making Mia and Brian turn around hearing the sound.

The cop gets up only for Brian to kick his leg from behind and Harley throw all the powder on his face.

"Let's go!" Harley says as they run only to be surrounded by cops with gun pointed at them.

Harley goes to reach for her gun only for Mia to grab her hand shaking her head no making Harley sigh.

Hobbs and Dom go through a window making everyone go towards them.

"Dom!" "Dommy!"

Dom and Hobbs fight each other with force punching each other back and forth.

Harley watches with concern. "Stop! Please stop!" Mia yells out pleading.

Hobbs kicks Dom around making him grab a tool as he tries to hit him only to miss.

"STOP!" Mia yells out in worry as Harley starts to get pissed off. Harley runs straight at Hobbs knocking him off Dom as she punches him.

"Boss!" One of the cops yell. "It's fine I got it!" Hobbs yells out to them.

"HARLEY NO STOP IT!" Mia yells out more worried.

Harley doesn't listen as she punches him over and over getting all her anger out for what he did to her.

Hobbs grabs a piece of glass and stabs her side making her yell out in pain making him kick her away only for Dom to punch him and knock him on floor once again but angrier as he hurt Harley.

Harley holds her side as it bleeds out. Harley sees a tool picking it up. "Dommy!" She yells out to him throwing him the tool as he catches it making Brian look worried.

Dom ready to break Hobbs skull screams out. "DOM!" Mia yells out to her brother making him realize and hit the floor on the side of hobbs face.

Hobbs looks to his right seeing what could've happened to his face. Harley and Dom get up slowly as they point their guns at them.

"She's bleeding you better help her!" Vince tells them making them look at Harley as her shirt on the left side is all covered in her blood.

"Every one of you get in the truck!" The cop says as they all get cuffed.

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