Chapter 13

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They all sit at the back cuffed as Harley is all patched up.

"Good thing it wasn't too deep don't wanna have my sister dying on me." Mia smiles making Harley chuckle.

"Ima tough cookie pretty. Ain't that right little baby." Harley says in a baby voice touching Mia's stomach making her chuckle.

Dom, Vince and Brian watch the two with small smiles seeing them smile a bit.

"AMBUSH!" Hobbs yells out making everyone worry and Harley covers Mia. The truck swerves a bit making them stop.

"Stagger-Step cover me!" Hobbs tells his guy making him nod.

Hobbs gets out as him and his team start shooting.

"Cut us loose!" "Come on" Vince and Brian yell out to Elena.

"Come on lady we're not the bad guys!" Harley yells out worried for her family.

Men start running towards Hobbs with guns ready to kill him as all his men are already all dead.

The men all get shot at making Hobbs turn his head seeing Dom, Brian, Harley and Vince.

Dom offers Hobbs his hand making Hobbs accept it. "Oooo big guns!" Harley says taking one of the dead mans machine gun.

"Let's go come on!" Dom yells out to them as more men come to kill them.

Harley, Brain and Vince cover Dom and Hobbs as they get to the truck. Harley gets in as Brian opens the door for her.

"Go!" Mia tells Elena as she starts driving away.

Harley kisses Mia head in a comforting way making her smile.

"Hey Dom, Harls." Vince says making everyone look at him. They see Vince looking tired.

Harley looks down and sees a lot of blood. "V?" Harley says making her tear up.

"You guys gotta meet my son, Nico." Vince tells them making Harley start crying. "We will." Dom says nodding.

"He's a good kid. You know we named him after you. Dominic." Vince says chuckling making Harley shed tears.

"You got our word Vince." Dom say as Harley nods. "Please don't go V, I can't lose more family." Harley says holding his hand.

"Harls one day you'll be a mother like you always talked about to us, and i'll see you and your baby with your husband all happy." Vince says smiling as his smile drops slowly and his eyes fade away. "NO! NO! V! DONT GO!" Harley cries out holding Vince as Mia cries.

Dom grabs Harley and hugs her as she cries kissing her head. "It's okay Harls he's not in pain." Dom says as she sniffs.

Dom gets a cover as Vince lays on the table and Harley shuts his eyes and kisses her hand places it over his head.

Harley stands next to Dom. "You were always our brother and family." Dom says to Vince. "We got eyes on Nico now V." Harley says as Dom covers Vince up.

Dom walks away making Harley sigh. She follows him as she stands next to Han making him hug her closely.

"We need to move. We don't have that much time." Dom tells them.

"I got us a flight out. We can leave Rio in the rear view on the next five hours." Han tells Dom.

"Not to run away. To finish the job." Dom tells him sternly.

"Are you crazy, Dom? We can't." Gisele tells him.

"It's a suicide mission...That's your man over there on the table. The plan is busted! This is bullshit, man. Reyes knows we're comin. " Roman tells Dom.

"He's right. They tripled the detail at the police station. There's gonna be a wall of gunfire." Tej says making Harley walk forward.

"Reyes doesn't get away with this." Dom says.

"It's a trap man you know that." Han says.

"Dom listen to them. Run before it's too late. Leave Rio. You can be free." Elena tells him.

"Running ain't freedom. You should know that." Dom tells her.

"You know you're all free to make your own choices." Dom tells them.

"He isn't getting away with this. I'm going to kill this motherfucker." Harley says walking up to Dom making him nod.

Both Dom and Harley start to walk away. "Im in." Hobbs says making Dom and Harley stop and look at him.

"I'll ride with you Toretto...At least until we kill that son of a bitch." Hobbs says making Harley smirk evilly.

"So what's the plan Dom? We can't just go sneakin' around anymore." Brian speaks up.

"We don't sneak. Only thing he cares about is his money. We pull that, we pull him." Dom tells them.

"Let's go have some fun." Harley says glocking her gun making the hyena let out a laugh.

"Okay why the hell do you have that?" Hobbs says making everyone laugh.

"It's Harley wouldn't even question anything at this point." Han says making her giggle and kiss his cheek.

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