Chapter 3

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(THIS NOW TAKES PLCAE WHERE Hobbs waits outside Dom's place when he tells him about letty.)

"I'm gonna need everything all the info you got." Dom tells Hobbs.

"You'll get it when the team gets it." Hobbs tells him.

"No team." Dom tells him shaking his head. "This is gonna have to be me alone." Dom says.

"It's not that simple. The crew we're after, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke. You go in alone you won't ever touch em. I've been chasing this guy across four continents and 12 countries. And believe me the last damn place I wanna be right now is on your front doorstep selling Girl Scout cookies." Hobbs tells him sternly and calm.

"I need your help, Dom." Hobbs tells him truthfully. "I need your team."


"Bruce have you seen my overalls!?" Harley yells out to the hyena making him bark.

Harley looks around for her clothes as her phone rings.

She smiles seeing the phone call from Dom. "Sugar! Help me look for my overalls!"

"Got it!" Han yells out from their room.

"Hey Dommy." Harley says as Bruce brings her overalls.

"Harls we got a job and it's really important Hobbs needs us." Dom says making her raise an eyebrow.

"The popo? This better be good we'll be there. Text me the deats. Love ya." Harley says.

"Love you." Dom says hanging up.

"Alright Brucy let's get packin" Harley says giggling.

"Where we going?" Han says confused as he holds her overalls. Harley chuckles and grabs her overalls pecking his lips.

He frowns confused and follows her.

-At Brian's place-

"It's uncle Dom. What do you know?" Brian says as him and Mia see his car approach.

"You waving? What up?" Brain says waving Jack's little hand.

"Hey Jack." Dom says smiling.

"What's up uncle Dom? What's up uncle Dom?" Brian continues.

"You excited to see him? hmm?" Brain says to his son.

"Are you already pushing imports on him?" Doms says.

"You say 'Dad's not pushing anything' He chose that car. " Brain says doing a funny voice.

"Yeah we know he's an O'conner, but I brought you something from me and Aunt Harls, Jack." Dom says giving him two toy cars like his and one like Harleys.

"Yeah! He's also a Toretto." Dom says chuckling.

"I don't know." Brian says taking the cars.

"Luckily, he has a couple more years to decide, right?" Mia says smiling.

"I think he decided, Mia." Dom says referring to his car.

"Mmmm yeah he chose Harls Vaydor." Mia says nodding making them laugh.

"I think it's time for his nap." Mia says taking Jack from Brian's arms.

"He wants a charger." Dom says seeing Mia walk away making Brian shake his head.


"It's weird huh?" Brian tells Dom as they both sit and drink.

"What's weird?" Dom asks him.

"I mean, we got- we got everything. Down to the beer and the barbecue. Well it just- I don't know. It just doesn't feel like home. Maybe it's because, uh, you don't realize how much you appreciate something until somebody takes it away. I don't know." Brian says.

"The place has probably changed so much, you probably wouldn't even recognize it anymore." Brian tells him.

"Yeah. Everything's changed." Dom tells him.

"So what's up with you? What's going on?" Brian asks him.

Dom doesn't say anything but grab a folder and gives it to him. "Taken a week ago." Dom says as Brian begins to open it.

"Diplomatic Security Service. Hobbs." Brian says as he flips the paper revealing a photo of Letty.

"You know I used to do this shit all the time as a cop. This is exactly what cops do. He's messin with your head." Brian says putting the paper down.

"Letty's dead, Dom. What do you think Harley will feel about this?" Brian tells him.

"I know but I need to know for sure." Dom tells him.

"Then I'm going with you." Brian tells him.

"You said you were gonna leave this life behind." Dom tells him.

"We both said we were leaving the life behind." Brian tells him as Mia walks towards them going behind Brian putting her hands on his shoulders.

"He's right. We're family. We got a problem we deal with it together. And i'll feel safer knowing you both and Harley are out there, watching each others backs. You're stronger together you always were." Mia tells them.

"Now go get Letty." Mia tells her
brother. "Bring her home."

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