Chapter 3

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Raven enters the kitchen and begins to rummage through the cupboards, looking for food and supplies. Jake is by her side, standing just inside the kitchen. He smiles at her and watches as she digs through the cabinets.

"I see." Jake says. "Well, it's a very pretty name." He then looks around for a few moments. "Hey, can you grab me some granola bars?" He asks.

"Sure, can you grab me two big backpacks that the some students seemed to have left at the lunch tables when the zombie thing started please." She asks.

Jake nods and follows her instructions. He walks into the cafeteria and spots two backpacks on two different tables, both seemingly untouched since before the zombie outbreak occurred. He picks them up and walks over to Raven.

"Here." He says. "I don't think the students will need these anymore." Raven is still in the kitchen, and she quickly turns to face Jake as he walks towards her.

She laughs softly, shaking her head. "I don't think they do either..." she says. Raven starts climbing up onto the counter and grabs the granola bars in the cabinet, she also grabs some cans of non perishables. Once she was done grabbing the granola bars in the cabinet and the cans of non-perishable food. She jumps back off the counter and begins to fill up the backpacks with whatever food supplies she can find. She turns to Jake and hands him one of the backpacks, instructing him to fill it too. He takes it and starts filling it with supplies of his own as they prepare to head out of here and find a safe place.

Raven walks around the room and spots the pantry. She goes into the supply pantry and grabs bags of rice and 10 water bottles. "Alright I'm done... I was thinking before we leave for my uncles place we head to the archery clubs room and grab a bow and arrows for hunting." She says.  She steps out of the supply pantry and joins Jake in the kitchen/cafeteria where they both have filled their backpacks. They're ready to go. 

"Great idea. We'll probably need that for hunting for food once our supplies run out." He says.

"My exact thought.." she says, smiling up at him. Raven and Jake smile at each other and then make their way to the archery club's room. Once they reach the archery room near the gym locker rooms they slowly open the door and peer inside. The coast is clear, and there doesn't seem to be any zombies near. Raven walks up toward a cabinet and begins opening it, searching for the archery equipment and supplies. She grabs two bows, one of which she is handing to Jake. She then grabs a multitude of arrows and puts them in both backpacks. She turns to Jake and smiles at him, indicating that they have everything they need.

"Awesome, let's head out." She says.

Both her and Jake walk down the staircase in the school, with their weapons out and ready as she leads the way. The coast is clear so far, and all seems quiet. However, she can't help but think that they might run into zombies eventually. She start to realize just how dangerous the situation they both are in really is.

"Hey have you ever ridden a horse before?" Raven whispers to Jake. Jake turns to Raven and whispers back to her. "No, actually I haven't." He says. "It's always been a dream of mine to ride a horse. Have you?" He asks. "Are we going to have to ride horses?" He says, a little worried. 

"I've ridden since I was 5. I'm thinking about heading to my moms old horse ranch to saddle up horses for the ride up to my uncles cabin, so we can carry more stuff and won't tire can ride with me on my horse if you want?" She says. 

Jake takes a moment to digest what Raven just said, and then smiles. "Sounds like a plan to me. I've always wanted to ride a horse. Even if we don't carry more stuff, I would love to ride with you." He says. "Is your horse friendly? I mean I've never ridden before and I don't want to... upset it." He laughs nervously.

She laughs quietly, they walk outside the doors of the school. " Ya the horses we will be riding are friendly. My horse is a giant but has a personality of a teddy bear. I'll have the stallion she mated with be the one carrying the stuff, he doesn't leave her side so he doesn't need to be ridden unless you want to." Raven says. 

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