❝𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧❞

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"You did well today," 

Toji praised you warmly as he handed you your payment for the day. A bright smile appeared on your face, and your eyes glistened with excitement as you stared at the money. "Thanks," you responded, letting yourself feel proud of your hard work for the day.

Toji stopped you before you could leave. His tone lowered a bit as he spoke his final words before you departed. "But while you're gone, please don't stir up any trouble." He knew you probably wouldn't listen to him, but he held onto some hope that you'd take his words seriously.

"I'll do my best, but no promises~" you playfully answered, stepping out of his office and leaving your workplace for the day.

You held the money tightly in your hands as you skipped out of the building. Excitement radiated through you as you thought about how to treat yourself with a little bit of your money. It didn't take you very long to find an answer, as you had this idea in mind for the past two weeks.

"I'll take Maki on a date!"


Maki stretched her arms out as she stood in front of her shared apartment, drained from all the work she had done for the day. She opened the door, excited and expecting to see you lying on the couch asleep while "The Amazing World of Gumball" played on the TV.

But her excitement died down once she saw the empty sofa and the seemingly untouched house. The shoes you had worn for the day were nowhere to be seen, and you weren't in any of the rooms.

Maki's expression turned worried, and she quickly reached for her phone to dial your number. She continued to call you, hoping you would at least pick up and say that you were working a little later than usual.

"The number you have called is not available..."

"Shit," she cursed under her breath. She slid her phone into her pocket and rushed to put on her coat and shoes. On her way to the door, she tripped over her shoelaces, but her reflexes kicked in, and she saved herself from falling onto the wooden floor. She leaned down to fix her shoelace, and when she looked back up, her anxious expression turned concerned.

The door creaked open, and you stood there, looking down at her with a deep frown and furrowed eyebrows. Your face was bruised and beaten up, your knuckles swollen, and you looked like you were on the verge of passing out.

"What happened to you?" Maki worriedly asked.

You didn't answer. Your head turned away from her, and your frown deepened. "[Name], answer me! Who did this to you?" Maki shook you by your shoulders, hoping to get an answer from you.

"Nobody, I fell," you whispered.

"No, the hell you didn't! Look at your face, your knuckles! Just tell me now!" She clenched her jaw while holding onto her phone tightly. You let out a deep sigh, your voice quivering. Maki was barely visible to you, your head was pounding, and your vision was gradually blurring. "Talk to me!" She waved a hand over your face.

Your body slowly fell forward, and all your weight was forced into Maki's arms. You didn't respond.

You were out cold.


"Oh, I think she's waking up again."

"[Name], can you hear me?"

A vague silhouette, which appeared to be a large hand, waved over your face. You blinked, and your vision slowly restored itself. "Huh?" you uttered while slowly sitting up. Your hand landed right on your head, which was throbbing. Your face was covered in plasters, and your knuckles were badly swollen.

"Nanami? What are you--"

The blonde-haired man sat on a stool in front of you, holding a first aid kit in his hands. Maki stood next to him, her hands in her pockets, looking down at you with worry. "[Name], what happened to you?"

Your memory clicked again, and you remembered what had happened. You let out a loud groan and weakly sat up, heading for the door. "I'm going to kill those fools..." you mumbled to yourself as you opened the door.

A hand pushed it back closed, and Maki looked at you with a stern expression. Her eyes darkened as she towered over you, not giving you the option to leave her in suspense. "Talk to me."

"You shouldn't get involved in this, Maki... I'll handle it myself."

"No, the hell you won't. You can't even walk straight right now, so let me and the cops handle this." She insisted, pressing on the door harder. Maki was pretty strong and quick, so you wouldn't easily slip out of the apartment without her stopping you.

"I don't want the police involved."


You stayed silent, looking down. "I just want to get my revenge." You lied. You had a criminal record, and you didn't want to stir up any more problems with law enforcement. The last thing you wanted was to end up behind bars and live your life without Maki.

"You're stubborn as hell..." Maki exhaled through her nose, letting go of the door. She didn't let you go, though. Instead, she blocked any passage for you. "I'll do it myself. Take a break... you still need to recover."

You forced yourself to sit back down on the couch. You were too tired to protest, so you let Maki go her way. You watched her put on some shoes and walk out the door. Her footsteps echoed down the hallway until you couldn't hear her anymore.

Maki didn't know where she was going. Her mind was fogged with rage as she stepped outside. She wanted to teach the thugs who had jumped you a lesson. But what she didn't know was what she was getting herself into.

She didn't know she would get caught up in your little dark secret.

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