❝𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮❞

453 16 0

[Introducing new characters in this chapter]


"Another murder?" 

the chief detective inquired, his gaze fixed on the figure standing tall before him, his eyes scanned the autopsy report handed to him. "A woman in her early twenties found dead in a vehicle," he explained "Have you made any progress with the case?" The detective's frustration was clear. The police force kept hitting nothing but dead ends with their investigations in recent.

"No, it appears the killer is very cautious. However, I believe this murder is linked to the preceding cases over the past two months."

"You believe? Do you have concrete evidence to substantiate this claim? Serial killing is a very serious accusation," the chief questioned, his eyebrows raised at the young man with stark white hair standing before him. He shook his head, his eyes dropping to the floor. "I don't have evidence, but I am convinced these murders are connected."

"I see. I will review this. You are dismissed."


"This is going nowhere!" One of the detectives slammed the desk in frustration, going through the victim's profile on a paper. "Gojo! Give me a hand here!" Gojo sighed and approached the desk, his eyes scanning the paper, focusing on the small image of the victim attached to it. "Have you interrogated the suspects?" he asked.

"Gojo! Give me a hand here!"

Gojo sighed and approached the desk, his eyes scanning the paper, focusing on the small image of the victim attached to it. "Have you interrogated the suspects?" he queried.

"Yes, but none of them seem suspicious!"

Gojo sighed again and distanced himself from the group of detectives struggling to gather more information on the case. The police department had been busy in recent months, with criminal cases piling up.

Exiting the office, Gojo moved to the entrance of the police department to take a moment for himself. He noticed a police officer talking with two adults, a tall, muscular man, and a shorter woman. One of them struck him as oddly familiar, though he couldn't quite place a finger as to where he saw him.

"Sir, please wait a moment, there's an interrogation going on."

"We've been waiting here for half an hour, and that's all you have to say?" the girl (in irritation) yelled out, slamming her fist on the table. The officer sighed, feeling the frustration rise as she dealt with the pair.

"Should we call Nanami, Toji?"

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" a voice interjected. You stood there with a bored and confused expression on your face, causing everyone to look in your direction. "Azha? Toji? Aren't you going to answer me?"

"We heard you were arrested, and I couldn't believe it... you would never commit murder, right?" Azra's deep frown expressed her 'disbelief'.

You fought a smile, your face dropping as you looked down. When you looked up, your eyes appeared watery. "Never! I can't believe they accused me of something so heinous!" Your voice shook, your previous boredom replaced by a deep sadness and disappointment.

Watching from a distance, Gojo observed as the three of you left the police station. An odd feeling stirred within him, making him to follow as you approached your vehicle. "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" he called out before you could enter your car.

All of you turned toward him, taking in his distinct features which stood out: white hair, bright blue eyes, and a height that towered all of you, even Toji by an inch.

Toji, too busy on his phone, hadn't noticed Gojo's presence. "Yes?" Azra raised an eyebrow. "Do I know you?" Gojo's gazed at Toji, going through his features, attempting to figure out where he'd seen him before. Toji glanced up from his phone, locking eyes with Gojo's vibrant blue ones. His expression changed.

"No. I don't know who you are... who the fuck are you?" Toji's response carried a sting like a bee, his voice harsher than Gojo thought it would be. Toji seemed uninterested and irritated by Gojo's presence.

"Detective Satoru Gojo," he introduced himself, adjusting his tie with a slight grin. "Are you certain we haven't crossed paths? I'm not that easily forgettable." He arched an eyebrow, noticing that Toji's body language contradicted his words. Even you and Azha could sense something was off.

"I don't know who you are. Now, if that's all, I've got places to be." Toji turned away and unlocked his vehicle. Gojo didn't object, only smirking to himself as he let the three of you depart without answering his question.

Gojo's still felt odd about Toji. He decided to take this investigation into his own hands, determined to uncover the truth.

No one was going to stop him now.

"I can't believe those idiotic cops actually fell for my act!" You burst into laughter as Toji and Azha glanced at you through the rearview mirror of the vehicle. Azha shook her head, leaning back in her seat.

"You almost got yourself caught, and that's your response?" She shot you a sidelong look as you laid down in the back seats. You chuckled, recalling the interrogation. "It just shows how seriously those cops take their jobs. If it were me, I would instantly know it was a lunatic like you." Toji muttered.

"The fake crying was pretty impressive, I must admit." Azra giggled.

"Naturally. But it's a bit concerning how effortlessly [Name] manipulates people."

"Blah blah blah. You couldn't even lie to that officer earlier," you retorted, rolling your eyes and striking a nerve within Toji. He ignored you, driving on and refusing think on the incident from earlier.

"Never seen Toji glare at anyone like that" Azra slightly laughed. 

 "For real."


"You were a suspect for murder?" 

Maki arched an eyebrow at you as you served dinner for the night. She was puzzled as to why you, of all people, were a suspect. However, she assumed it had to do with you being one of the last to see the victim

"Yeah, so stupid... I can't believe they make me out to be some heartless criminal..." You looked down, your smile vanishing, replaced by a sad expression. "Honestly, you're the last person I'd suspect of being a murderer," Maki commented, digging into her meal. She seemed convinced that your were innocent, given your empathy you showed towards the victim.

The day ended on a light note, and you drifted to sleep without a care in the world for the victim you murdered two days ago.


New important characters:

Chief Detective Daniel - Soon to retire and has lost hope due to the past few unsolved cases.
[If you've played ace attorney he kinda looks like Detective Gumshoe except he's a lot older.]

Detective Gojo Satoru - Believes there's more to the cases than it seems. Chief Daniel's favourite detective.

Police department secretary Aoi and Sora -  Both hate their jobs

[Gojo's gonna start being mentioned a lot more in the story...]

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