❝𝐀 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞-𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧.❞

635 19 5

"You're late again,"

 Toji's voice rang out as his tall, muscular figure stood outside the large building. "Toji, seriously?" you rolled your eyes, your tone a mix of annoyance and boredom, as you headed towards him. "Just by 15 minutes, it's not that deep." You shrugged while walking with him.

"I could do a lot in 15 minutes." Toji raised his eyebrows before letting out an extended sigh. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked into the empty, abandoned warehouse, with you following behind him.

The warehouse itself looked like it could break and fall apart any second. The air was filled with dust, and the floor was cluttered with a bunch items. Toji led you towards the center of the warehouse and pointed towards what seemed to be a large object covered by old curtains.

"What's this?" You asked, beginning to uncover what was underneath. Toji watched as his lips slowly curled into a smile. "Find out for yourself." He snickered, a mischievous look in his eyes as he watched you reveal it.

There they sat. The three criminals from earlier who had jumped you. You looked on with amusement, excitement running through you as you gazed at them. "This might have just made my day," you grinned, stepping back to get a good look at the three beaten-up bandits. 

"I told you she'd like it."

You turned back and saw the all-too-familiar short, dark-skinned girl with her tied-back butterfly locs standing behind both of you, her gun held in her right hand. You beamed the instant you spotted her. "Azha! Long time no see!"

"Yeah, it's only been a year," she shrugged, her short figure standing beside you. You chuckled to yourself, watching her play with her gun. "You're still playing with that gun like a little kid? At your age?"

"Have you ever seen a child play with a gun?"

"Yeah, me obviously... I used to play with my stepdad's guns as a kid, goofy." You gave her a questioning look.

"I beg your pardon... I meant a NORMAL child." She emphasized the word 'normal.'

"I know damn well..." You looked down at her, finding it hard to keep a straight face. Uncontrollable laughter erupted as you laughed right in her face. "It's a damn shame that Toji doesn't know about your little gun ki-"

She loaded her gun and pointed it at your chest. "What was that?" She asked with a smirk. You gulped, slowly pushing the gun away. Her finger pressed the trigger, making you jump back. "It's not loaded, dumbass."

"Stop laughing and arguing for a minute and focus." Toji cleared his throat, stepping between the two of you. He pointed to the three criminals tied to their own chairs. Your attention shifted to them, watching as they leaned forward in their chairs.

"I hope they're not dead."

"They're not, they're just unconscious."

"Good... this is gonna be exciting~!" You beamed, getting close to one of them and examining their bruised faces. "Also, who the hell beat them up this badly?" You looked at their severely deformed noses, which seemed ready to fall off at any moment.

"Your girlfriend did all that."

"Oh, right." You sniggered. "She must've attacked them with a weapon; their faces look seriously messed up." Your eyes trailed over the deep bruises and scars. "I'm pretty sure she was unarmed when we got there." Toji raised an eyebrow.
"Damn... Was she a boxer in her past life?!" You exclaimed, walking back to the other two. "But you know the best part? She did this to protect me..." You giggled, looking at the other thugs. "That's pretty fuckin' hot."

"Alright, alright, we get it... you're a love-struck crazy woman." Azha rolled her eyes at you.

"So, should we wait for them to wake up?" Toji questioned you. "Or what do you think?" He further asked. "Of course, there'd be no fun in killing them while they're knocked out." You replied, as if the answer was crystal clear.




The faint sound was enough to jolt the three of you off your seats and back to the three criminals. Your bored expression quickly transformed into an eager one as you watched one of the criminals begin to open his eyes.

"I think he's waking up," Toji commented.

"No shit, Mr. Fushiguro."

Not long after, all three of them regained consciousness. They appeared confused about how they ended up in the warehouse. Without their knowledge, the three figures stood in front of them, observing their every move.

"Finally... Can we get this over with already?" Azha asked, loading her gun with bullets and pointing it at one of the three males. You shook your head and lowered the gun with your hand. "I want them to feel the same pain I felt after getting beaten up."

"I second that," Toji agreed.

"If you insist, I guess..."

"WAIT-- WAIT--!"

"What?" You asked, your gaze appearing bored as you held your dagger closer to his neck. The other two thugs remained lifeless in their seats-one had suffocated while receiving blows to the head with a blunt object, and the other had stabbed himself in the chest as instructed by you and Toji. The last one was alive, moving, and completely traumatized. He had witnessed his two best friends being killed in front of him, and he knew barely had any chance of survival.

His eyes welled up with tears, and he nervously licked his lips as he attempted to look into your eyes without breaking eye contact. "I'm... I'm sorry... please... I have a life to live ahead of me! I promise I'll never do anything like this again!" He sobbed uncontrollably, his nose running with mucus mixed with his salty wet tears.

You sighed and pulled the knife away from his neck. "You want me to spare you?" You questioned.

"Please! I want to see my family!"

Amusement was what you felt as widened eyes as you watched him cry like a child. You bit your lip and allowed a smile to form. "You want to see your family? Well, that's unfortunate." You responded coldly, a smug expression forming on your lips.

"You're nothing but a waste of air and space." Your face drew closer to him, the knife still close to his throat. A drop of his blood fell onto his shirt. "You have no purpose on this planet or anywhere else... wouldn't killing you be a favor to your family members who probably don't wanna se the disgrace of a son they raised up?"

"I... I... I'm—"

"Look at you, a grown man crying like a little child." You tightened your grip on the knife, pressing it into his skin. "You should have thought twice before stealing my hard-earned money."

"When I die, I'll make sure to find you in hell, rotting there. I'll make your afterlife a nightmare. I'll kill you over and over, without any back thought. " You forcefully pushed the knife against his throat. With a swift motion, you withdrew the knife and thrust it into his chin area. The man screamed in pain, wishing you'd put him out of his misery.

"Just kill the guy already," Azha called out, pointing the gun at him from a distance. You stepped back, surveying him closely. "Why don't you do it the--"



Two bullets pierced the man's chest. You watched as his body slumped forward into an awkward position on the chair he was tied up on. He didn't move an inch, proving that he was finally dead.


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