❝𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬❞

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[I love this chapter :..)


-> Toji & Azra won't show as much anymore (so don't expect to see them a lot like the first few chapters.)

-> Maki is gonna appear more in the chapters till the end (this is a maki x reader and I lwk felt maki was barely getting attention lol) ]


"[Name]! You need to wake up!"

Your body jerked upward from your bed, your forehead drenched in cold sweat, your hands trembling. Maki's concerned face came to light as she held onto your other hand tightly. Your body was burning up, your lips dry, and your mind still struggled to untangle itself from the events in the nightmare.


Furrowing her brows, Maki's lips pressed into a tight line. Her determination was noticeable, her body language appeared desperate. You knew that avoiding this conversation was no longer an option. She had seen through your attempts to avoid her worry; her concern for you wouldn't allow her to back down.

"You keep having nightmares. I'm not asking anymore, I'm ordering you to tell me what was wrong." Her jaw clenched as her eyebrows crossed, a mixture of worry and frustration dripping from her harsh tone. With a frown that you struggled to hide, you breathed out. "Maki..."

Her piercing gaze and the warmth of her hand grounded you. You let your hands up to cover your face, as if it could push you back from bursting. But this time, you couldn't hold it back, you couldn't fight back her concern. Your lips parted, but you remained silent. Your throat formed a lump, words unable to come out.

You wiped away the sweat on your forehead with your trembling hand, as if it could help clear the fog in your mind. "Maki," you started, your voice silent yet loud enough for Maki to catch on. "I'm not who you think I am..."

Maki's eyebrow quirked in curiosity while her concern deepening. Your confession peaked her interest; she wanted to hear more of your admission. You took a deep breath, hoping you could finally speak up.

"I... I'm a bad person, Maki... I've done some terrible things in my life, things I can't even begin to explain. All for you..." The words finally came. You bit your lip feeling the weight of guilt wash over you. The air in the room felt thick and tense, as the truth unraveled itself.

Maki's gaze held yours steadily as she absorbed your confession. Her brows furrowed, her expression a mix of confusion and concern. "What do you mean?" she further questioned, encouraging you to tell her all you had to say.

"I... I deserve to suffer in hell for the rest of my life... I--" Your voice wavered, anxiety gnawing at your insides. How do you explain the unforgivable sins you committed? How do you tell her that you've taken lives? Tears began to well up in your eyes, your chest rising up and down rapidly while you struggled to breathe. Maki's golden hues remained locked onto yours, her thoughts growing with unease. Her grip on your hand tightened. She gave you the space you needed, yet her presence was a constant reminder that there was no turning back anymore.

"I... I've hurt people, Maki," you managed to finally admit, your voice trembling. "People who have crossed you, people who have hurt you... I've taken matters into my own hands, and I've done things... things I can't take back." Each word you spoke felt like a weight being lifted off your chest and added to hers. At last, you revealed a side of yourself that you had kept hidden for the longest, a side that you never wanted her to see.

Maki's eyes widened in shock, her grip on your hand loosening for a moment before tightening once again. The room's atmosphere was suffocating, silence lingered between the two of you until Maki spoke up. "You... you killed for me?" Her voice came off as a whisper, disbelief and horror clear in her words.

You nodded, unable to meet her gaze any longer. Shame washed over you, and you struggled to steady your breathing once again. "I did it for my own selfish desires, I thought I was protecting you, getting back at the people who spoke ill about you... but in the end... I'm a monster."

Another heavy, uncomfortable silence filled the room. Only the sound of your ragged breathing and the distant sounds of the city outside were clear. Maki's grip on your hand loosened, and you braced yourself for what might come next - her anger, her fear, her rejection.

She released your hand, and you felt the weight of her stare as she studied you with intensity. "You're not a monster, [Name]," she finally said, her voice surprisingly gentle. "You've done terrible things, yes, but you're still human. And humans can make mistakes, even grave ones."

Your head quirked up in surprise, meeting her glistening eyes once again. Her expression wasn't clear to you; she also seemed quite confused with herself. "Maki, you don't understand. I've taken lives, destroyed families. I'm a serial killer for crying out loud! I deserve--"

"You've done what you thought was necessary to protect me," she interrupted. "I'm not condoning your actions, but I'm also not going to dismiss you as a monster. I know there's more to this story, and I want you to tell me everything." She firmly spoke.

Tears formed in your eyes, a mixture of relief and disbelief washing over you. The weight of your secrets was being shared, a burden that had started swallowing you whole for the longest time. With trembling hands, you wiped away a tear that escaped your eye. "You... you're not disgusted by me?"

Maki's expression softened as she reached out, gently cupping your cheek. "I won't pretend that this doesn't shock me, [Name], but I love you. And love means accepting the good and the bad in someone, even if it's difficult."

"I really don't deserve this... Maki... I don't deserve your kind words... I love you so much... I really do," you uttered, a shaky smile forming on your face. Maki had been willing to accept the truth with a kind heart. Initially, you had thought she'd leave you, but this proved that Maki truly did love you. She had never had any intentions of leaving.

You leaned your face close to hers and softly landed your lips on hers. A kiss you would never forget, even better than the first kiss you and Maki had shared. You shut your eyes tightly as tears escaped, Maki's warm hands holding onto your cheeks. You both pulled back, still holding onto each other's gaze.

"Now, tell me everything... I'm listening."

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