❝𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝❞

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"[Name]? You-"

Nanami's tall figure stood in your empty room as he scanned it for you. But there were no sightings of you to be seen. He sighed as he noticed a note written on the bed in your handwriting.

'Making this short and brief.

I did it all. I'm guilty. And I'm terribly sorry for everything I've done (Including lying to you).I know my apology is no better than a fly... but I hope you know this comes from the bottom of my heart.

I regret everything I've done and I'm going to pay for it with everything.

See you soon (or not) =)


Nanami let out a sigh as he read the paper over and over. His face remained neutral, yet deep down, your words hurt him. He figured you were lying, but he defended you because it was his job as a defense attorney. He also considered you a friend, despite all the murders you committed. It pained him to read the last paragraph. "This is so foolish," he spoke to himself as he stuffed the paper into his pocket and walked out of his house.

"You're so stupid."

"Well, look who it is?"

Toji's tall figure emerged from the darkness of the abandoned warehouse. You stood a distance away from him, hands dug into your pockets while your gaze remained fixed on him. His footsteps echoed across the dusty warehouse as he drew closer to you slowly.

"Playing hero all of a sudden, well isn't that amusing?" He chuckled deeply, his body stopping exactly a meter away from yours. "But let me tell you something,"

"Once a monster... always a monster."

You scoffed and took a step back from him. "Speak for yourself, Toji..." you retorted as you reached for the knife in your inner jacket pocket. "One of us has to die." Your voice trembled with anger and rage.

The urge to end his life grew, but you had to hold yourself back. As insane as you were, your bloodlust had never reached such a peak before. You fought with every cell in your body not to plunge the knife into his chest.

The standoff between the two of you was interrupted by another shadow's appearance. A female figure, one that seemed all too familiar. "[Name]..." her voice spoke up.

"Stand back, Maki! I'll end this guy right here!" Your teeth gritted with force as you brandished the knife in your hand. Toji's smirk grew wider as he pulled out his own weapon - a gun.
"No! The police are on their way! You have to get out of here!" She yelled at you, but you wouldn't listen. Your desperation to kill him had grown larger, even if it meant going to jail for the rest of your life.

Toji's sinister grin matched the look in his eyes as he aimed the gun at you, his finger resting on the trigger. Maki's voice was a distant echo in your ears, drowned out by your heart beating against your chest. The seconds felt like an hours, the tension in the air growing thicker with every passing second.

Finally, you had come up with a decision. A decision that would seal your fate. With a sudden rush of adrenaline, you lunged forward, the knife in your hand slicing through the air. Toji's finger twitched on the trigger, the gunshot ringing out, but the world seemed to move in slow motion.

Pain radiated through your body, an burning sensation that came from your chest. You felt the impact of the bullet striking you, but your focus remained unwavering. A single gunshot wouldn't stop you. The knife found its mark, piercing through Toji's chest as you lost the grip.
As both of you fell to the ground, the scene was bloody while Maki watched as you held onto your gun wound tightly. She froze, her body watching yours struggle to keep yours alive. Darkness crept at the edges of your vision, but you clung to consciousness, your gaze locked onto Toji's fading figure. "Fuck you, I hope you rot in hell." You struggled 

His laughter was a chilling backdrop to the chaos, his eyes flickering with a perverse amusement. "A fitting end, don't you think?" he wheezed, blood seeping his dark compression shirt. "The monster meets her match."

Maki's footsteps draw near as she knelt beside you. Her hands trembled as she pressed against the wound, trying to stem the flow of blood. A tear streamed down her face as she caught a glimpse of your weak smile at her. "You- You said we could work this out!" she choked out, her voice quivering with grief. "You can't leave me alone like this..."

Your strength died down, your body growing colder as the seconds ticked by. Maki's voice only kept you awake. With the last remnants of your strength, you reached out, your bloodied hand brushing against her cheek. "I love you, Maki, don't ever forget that," you whispered, your voice barely audible. The words echoed in Maki's ears, carrying with them a depth of emotion not even Maki could explain.

"See you in the afterlife..."


The following hours were a blur of chaos and activity. The police arrived, they immediately apprehended a wounded Toji and secured the scene. Detective Gojo's voice echoed through the warehouse. his stern commands guiding the officers in their tasks.

The truth of your actions, the sacrifices you had made, came to light in the aftermath.

Maki's tear-stained face remained in Detective Gojo's memory as he stood among the officers. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, a mix of grief, relief, and closure. Your sacrifice would forever serve as a testament to the lengths one would go to protect those they loved.

As the scene cleared, as the ambulance and police sirens wailed in the distance, Maki remained by your side. Her fingers traced your cold, lifeless face, her tears falling like a gentle rain. The pain in her heart was immeasurable, the ache of loss a heavy burden she would carry for the rest of her life.

The night had taken so much of a turn in almost every aspect.  The chapters of your story would live on, forever etched in the hearts of those you'd touched. 

Regardless of your dark past.

Maki held onto your cold hand, her eyes reflecting sadness as she wished for your return from the dead. But she understood that you had no other choice. You did it to protect her. If Toji hadn't taken your life, the high probability was that he would have taken hers instead.
With a shaky sigh, Maki squeezed your hand, recalling your last heartfelt conversation with her.

"I promise, and if anything bad happens.. just know that I love you from the bottom of my heart, and these moments we've shared will remain in my heart and memorable."

A fresh tear rolled down her cheek as your smile etched itself into her thoughts. She looked down at your lifeless body, feeling the sting of grief once again.

"I'm sorry, but we're going to have to cover her body," Gojo said, standing beside her with a somber expression. His eyes held a mix of sorrow and sympathy as he watched Maki do everything she could to bring you back. It was a sight he had witnessed before, but because Maki was a close friend, he couldn't help but be deeply affected by it.

Maki slowly withdrew her hand from yours and stepped back. She spoke her final words to you, her voice heavy with emotion:

"I love you... always..."


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