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[This made me lwk cry :( ]


The sun casted a warm golden glow over the cemetery Maki stood before a gravestone, her face shining with the sunlight, fresh flowers in her hand, a mixture of sadness and warmth in her eyes. She placed the bouquet carefully beside the gravestone, kneeling down, crossing her legs and holding onto your grave stone.

"Hey there," she began softly, a small smile displaying on her lips. "I hope you're doing well, wherever you are. I've been visiting here often, you know? It's like our little secret spot where I can still talk to you."

Maki let out a sigh, her fingers gently tracing the engraved letters of your name. "Life hasn't been the same without you. It's been tough, really tough. But I've been trying my best to keep moving forward, just like you'd want me to."

A longing smile crossed her face as she reminisced about your time together. "Remember how we used to argue about the silliest things? And how you always made me laugh, even in the darkest of times? You were the love of my life, my first love too."

She paused, wiping away a tear that had escaped. "I miss you every day, [Name]. There's a void that can never be filled. But I've found ways to cope. I've been focusing on my career more, just like you encouraged me to. I even joined a support group for people who have lost loved ones to violence. It's been helping, slowly."

Maki took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on the gravestone with your name carved into it. "Toji was arrested, you know. It took a while, but thanks to Detective Gojo justice was served. Your sacrifice wasn't in vain. Your actions saved my life, and I'll forever be grateful for that."

She chuckled softly, a hint of sadness still in her eyes. "I can't help but wonder what you would say if you were here. Probably something sarcastic to lighten the mood, right?"

Leaning forward, Maki placed her hand on the gravestone, a bittersweet smile forming at her lips. "I want you to know that I'm trying, [Name]. I'm trying to live a life that would make you proud. You were right, I do have friends who care about me, and I'm slowly learning to lean on them."

As a gentle breeze rustled the leaves around them, Maki's voice grew softer. "I'll keep visiting you, sharing stories and memories. It's like keeping a part of you alive within me. You'll always be in my heart, [Name], and I'll love you forever... from the bottom of my heart." She quoted your words while imagining you speaking them to her.

With a final, lasting touch on the gravestone, Maki stood up and took a step back. She looked at the flowers she had brought and then back at the gravestone, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Goodbye for now. Until we meet again, my love."

With that, Maki turned and walked away, leaving behind the memories, the pain, and the love that would forever remain in her heart.

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