❝𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡❞

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[Important to mention that [Name] suffers from paranoia which increasingly gets worse as the story progresses. I hope that will explain her actions over the next few chapters

- Short angsty chapter >:)]


Over the past few days, your behavior has seemed to change for the worse. At work, you were much more aggressive with your targets. When Toji would arrive to clean up the crime scene, he'd always find the victim's body beyond unrecognizable. A bloody mess at most, face beaten to a pulp, limbs broken. It all began after Toji's request. You started rethinking your actions since you began working for him and how much you've changed ever since you met him.

It wasn't that you had never experienced moments like this before. They occurred every once in a while, but they had never happened repeatedly for long periods of time like this.

Maki had noticed the change in you. You seemed more distant from everything. Whenever your best friend, Nobara, invited you over for a hangout, you always declined. She grew concerned and began linking it to the incident when she walked in on you yelling at your boss over the phone.

As for you, your mental health was deteriorating as the days passed. You couldn't care much about the progress of the police force (you had underestimated them too much). Your mind was more focused on how Maki would react if she found out you were behind all those crimes. It wasn't something you had considered much before. Would she leave you? Would she help you? What would she do? Besides that, you couldn't stop thinking about the victims. What was the point of killing them when you knew Maki would never leave you?

Being a serial killer living a double life had taken a toll on you, that was clear.

"Gojo. I found some small background on Toji Fushiguro."

Gojo sat down in his office while his feet rested on his desk stacked with endless papers, holding onto a folder filled with information about Toji Fushiguro. Gojo's eyes scanned through the pages as he leaned back in his chair. There wasn't much for the current life, but one particular detail caught his attention, causing his boredom to change into curiosity

'Fushiguro was sent to a mental institution when he turned 21 after he was sent to prison for attempted murder.'

Gojo's fingers tapped against the paper as he considered this piece of information to be vital. The puzzle pieces were starting to fall into place slowly, but there was still more to find out. He leaned forward, his gaze not leaving he page as his mind considered all possibilities.

'...mental institution... attempted murder...'

That statement alone gave Toji every reason to be a mass murderer. 

But something stuck out as odd to Gojo while he thought. If Toji truly was the serial killer, then why wasn't he suspected of the murders previously? Moreover, why were you, his 'assistant,' accused of them instead?

Was there more to the story than Gojo knew?

Gojo realized that only knowing that Toji was considered insane during his early years meant nothing. There was still a lot to uncover. 

A secret darker than Toji's past itself.

"[Name]? Are you okay? You've been very distant these days..."

Maki asked you while watching you lie down on the sofa with a bored expression on your face, facing the TV screen in front of both of you. "I'm fine, Maki... Seriously, I'm doing better than before," you very obviously lied to her. Your voice was dull, and she could tell that you weren't being entirely honest.

Maki sighed at your response. "Are you being sarcastic or hiding what's wrong from me or both...?" she questioned. You didn't answer; your eyes trailed towards Maki's, who sat in the small space on the sofa you were occupying. "Neither... I'm doing okay."

"Would it really kill you to tell me the truth? I mean, you haven't been eating, and it's getting concerning..." Maki spoke up while playing with your hair. You frowned even harder, realizing that it was becoming more obvious that you had a secret. "I can't tell you, Maki... that's the problem," you answered back, hoping she'd drop the topic.

With her eyebrows furrowed, she looked down at your sad expression. "Why's that? We're together... there can't be anything so bad that you can't even tell your own lover...?" she continued.

"It's too dark of a secret, Maki... you'll hate me for it... I can't tell anyone," you replied, sitting up and leaning on her shoulder for comfort.

"You think I care? Tell me [Name]... or if you can't, tell me when you're ready to."

"Second one... I still can't find the courage to tell you, and I don't know if I ever will," you stared at the TV in front of you, playing Adventure Time on the screen. Maki nodded at your response and kissed your cheek. "Fine by me... just don't die with a secret that's eating you up..."

"Maki..." you called her. Maki turned to look at you and saw your gaze fixed on hers. She raised her eyebrows in interest. "Yes?"

"I... I love you... don't ever leave me," you mumbled through tears. Maki's curious expression changed to a more concerned and taken aback one. She smiled at your words and wiped the tears from your eyes carefully. "I love you too, I won't ever leave you... same goes for you."

"I love you so much."

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