❝𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞❞

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[Sorry for not updating lol
kinda took a short break

enjoy the short chapter]


"So... you're staying here?"


Nanami inquired, his observant gaze fixed on you as you stood before his door. Nervously, you nodded, your fingers clutching around the strap of your bag. You needed to seek refuge in the home of your lawyer and friend. "I have to," you responded, your voice tinged with an underlying unease. "I'm in danger right now."

Understanding expressed itself on his features as he processed your words. He stepped aside, making way for you to enter his home. The breathtaking surroundings of his luxury house never failed amaze you. It was clear that Nanami was doing well for himself. "Go ahead," Nanami's voice was reassuring as he gestured for you to come in. "I have a spare room for you."

You offered him a grateful smile, letting out a sigh of relief. As you entered his residence, a sense of comfort washed over you. The house held a promise of safety - something you so desperately to protect yourself. "Thanks, Nanami. I really appreciate it," you replied, your voice coated with sincerity.

Days turned into nights as you settled Into the comfort of  Nanami's home. Each moment made you feel sheltered. Yet, the illusion was fragile, and you knew that Toji could catch up to you at any moment.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the world sunk into darkness, you found yourself lost in your train of thoughts as you stared out the window of your borrowed room. The distant sounds of the city and everything seemed still for a moment.

Your fingers brushed against the photograph on the windowsill—a picture of you and Maki, smiling and carefree. The memories of your time together filled your mind causing a smile to curl onto your lips. You had made the difficult decision to distance yourself from Maki, to keep her safe and yourself from the chaos that surrounded you. But with that decision came an ache that refused to be silenced—a longing to hold her in your arms once more.

The sudden ring of your phone broke your silence, and you reached for it. The caller appeared to be an unknown number, and your heart rate quickened as your thumb hovered over the answer button. You knew even little calls could hold danger behind them.


"[Name]," a chilling voice echoed through the receiver—the voice of Toji, your former boss and a mentor from your past. "I hope you're enjoying this little hide and seek game. But you can't run forever, you know."

A shiver ran down your spine as his words sent a sudden fear in you. His ability to track you down was undeniable, and the threat he posed loomed larger than ever. "I'm not running idiot," you retorted, your voice carrying a newfound edge of determination. "I'm protecting the ones I care about... and myself."

A low chuckled coming from the phone was emitted silently. "Well, isn't this interesting? But let's see how long that goal of yours holds when the people you're protecting are right in my grasp."

Goosebumps formed on your skin as his voice repeated through your head. Your mind raced, considering the meaning of his words. Did he find Maki? Was he holding her hostage? Panic welled up within you, a desperation to keep her safe consuming your thoughts. "Toji, don't be fucking stupid... Stay away from her," you hissed, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "This is between you and me, quit dragging everyone else into it."

"Oh, but it's so much more than that now," Toji replied cryptically. "You see, [Name], you've given me an excellent opportunity." Confusion began as his words raised more questions than answers. What was he planning? Had you fallen right into his trap?

"Enough with this madness," you snapped, your patience wearing thin. "If you want me, come for me. But leave Maki out of this." His chilling laughter filled your ears before he spoke once more. "Don't worry, [Name]. I'll be seeing you very soon. And when I do, you'll realize just how limited your options are."

The line cut leaving you with a sinking feeling in your chest. The threat to Maki's safety had become more tangible than ever, and your determination to protect her burned your heart harder than the dangers of doing so.

As the night deepened, you found yourself torn between two decisions. Protect yourself and let Maki die or sacrifice yourself to save Maki. Eventually, an understanding that the time for action had come. The confrontation you had been fearing was unavoidable, and Maki's danger demanded a responce.

The last moment with Toji Fushiguro, a man whom you trusted so much with your life. Yet, you knew a day like this would come but ignored the signs. Your determination to protect Maki, the love of your life, kicked harder, even if it meant making sacrificing yourself for it.

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