1 February 1933

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1 February 1933
Reich proudly signs the document which finally dissolves the parliament and hands emergency power to the Führer so they can finally start implementing their dream to lead this country to greatness.

Immediately after signing it some parliamentarians look scared and reich can't help but grin as those lowly vermin get drowned out by his cheering followers.

Weimar yet again couldn't be there to witness this, his flag colours looked quite dull this morning when reich briefly saw him talking with those backstabbing politicians.

Reich doesn't understand how his brother is so blind to the truth that those people, together with the Jews, are ruining this country. He, together with the Führer, will stop this though.

One step at a time.

27. Februar 1933
Reich walks down the empty hallways of the Reichstag, the main government building of the weimar Republic. It's late at night and he just came back from a long talk with the Führer about the future of this country.

All the humans working in this building have left hours ago but reich knows that there is one person left in this building.


Reich swings open the doors to the main conference room and sees his weak brother standing there in the middle of it. The nation is using a cane to lean onto while standing for extended periods of time.

Most lights in the room are either dimmed or off so the empty chairs look slightly haunting.

"Good evening little brother" weimar tries to smile but his dull eyes betray the pain and sadness he feels.

"Hello weimar" reich greets less emotional while entering the center of the room.

"That human and you have gotten far and yet i can't say i approve of your roudy tactics." Weimar says while leaning against one of the tables. Standing is so exhausting these days.

"I played along with your flimsy polics game and the people voted for the Führer. They know a strong leader is better for them!" Reich says sternly while weimar cowardly avoids his eyes.

"We were tasked to create a democracy" weimar argues, a topic they have fought over many times in the past.

"I will break the chains with which the allies bound us. The old government you led made us weak. Look at yourself! Not even enough energy left to stand straight. Using a cane like an old useless man!" Reich raises his voice a bit, bitter memories of France beheading his father rising up like bile.

He will make her pay for that.

They all will pay!

Weimar remains silent, brushing his thumb over the wooden handle of the cane.

"Is this really worth it?" He soon asks quietly and reich could laugh.

"It's worth everything" he replies and weimar sees the glimmer in his brothers eyes again. He has seen it many times before, especially when they were talking about the death of their father or about the war but ever since his little brother met the Führer that glimmer has been there more and more often, as if being near the human fuelled the flame further.

"I cannot stop you anymore. Even if i wanted to" weimar starts "but i beg you one last time to see reason. The path you're going will ruin this country, our home." He adds and a lone tear runs down his face.

With a little struggle he stands up again stepping closer to his little brother.

"The Führer was right you are a lost cause brother. I told you time and time again who the enemy is but you simply refuse to see the truth. I will lead this country to greatness no one has ever seen before. Europe will rightfully bow before our strength!" Reich says loudly, clearly imagining that while he speaks. 

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