3.November 1933

317 21 10

"It was an honour having you here" reich says while handshaking the Japanese. "The honour is mine" she replies with a bow when a servant hands her a beautifully decorated basket.

"As a parting gift we prepared a wide assorted of delicacies from our home. Notably honey from our fields in the east, Sea buckthorn marmalade from the north, a hazelnut liquor from the south and some engine blueprints from the west. They were convinced those will be more helpful to you than food alone but they also added a bottle of elderberry syrup." Reich explains proudly to which the Japanese looks into the basket, very intrigued by its contents.

In the meantime the sound of footsteps wake up Korea.

His hands are numb from the cold and his back radiates a dull pain.

The red nation's state comes into view pulling a key out of his pocket and unlocking Koreas left arm. Had it not been completely numb he perhaps would have punched the state.

Instead a separate shackle wraps around his bruised wrist and the state repeats the same step with koreas right arm. Not that the country has any energy left to fight back.

When his arms are secured the state says something to him in a language really understand.

With a frustrated sigh the foreign state grabs him and pulls korea up to his legs with a gentleness that he really isn't used to.

It still is demanding his cooperation but worlds apart from JE dragging him around by his hair or neck. Giving his shoulder a light push, the state leads him up the staircase and into the room in which korea heard the chirping last night.

Despite it usually being a very poor idea, Korea stops unprompted to looks around the room. Nothing indicates that there ever was a baby in here.

Did he just imagine it?

His memories seem hazy enough.

He doesn't get much more time to think as the state tugs on his chain to which the wounds on his wrists protest with stinging pain.

Obeying before his captor runs out of patience korea hurries up the second flight of stairs, nearly seeing spots in his vision when he reaches the top.

Before he really registers it the state grabs him by the arm so he doesn't keel over and leads him down the hallway like that.

Only when the door to the outside comes into view the state lets go of him, forcing him to walk on his own.

Outside two cars are waiting and the unknown red nation is chatting with the Japanese empire. They seem to get along quite well.

After having been a prisoner to the Japanese empire for many years korea can tell that his normally ruthless captor is pretty relaxed.

Looking at the other nation standing there he notes something that could potentially have grave implications.

The other nation does not have wings.

Could it be that they don't know about how to care for winged infants?

Korea grinds his teeth from thinking.

Is one baby worth trying to warn the nation about?

JE will punish him severely for speaking up and he needs her to translate for him.

Grimly the sounds of last night echo through his mind.

Those cries for safety and protection where so desperate. If nobody had answered it for as long as that nation has this baby then it might have already caused deep rooted distress in that developing mind. 

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