20.July 1934

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Turns out little Germany sleeping in reichs bed has turned the small nightly air raid siren into a quiet little angel.

Gone are the nights where reich can hear the little bean through the walls. Only downside is that reich has to share his bed with a literal baby.

Right now that doesn't really matter though as he is having a work meeting at Vaticans place as the almost annoyingly small nation wants to discuss the future and general political.

Reich doesn't like the tiny nation. His genetically better people shouldn't be distracted by low life religion but the Catholic church really is a tough enemy to assimilate as it's bound together by an actual countryhuman.

The evangelical Church however, lacking a top to bottom centralised structure, was way easier to subdue or dissolve. It's fascinating how easy humans can be manipulated against beliefs they held for years.

A deep pothole quickly reminds him as he is not on German roads as his head hits the side of the car with a bonk.

"Can't you watch where you're going?!" He hisses at the apologetic driver who is doing his absolute best to navigate the busy streets through Rome. Berlin isn't accompanying him this time, reich rather has the state overlook the situation at home than annoy him here.

How long is this ride going to last? He can feel himself getting sick from all the swinging around.

After a while a big archway comes into view as they are led down a different path than the standard crowd.

Despite knowing that his people still build more beautiful buildings reich can't deny that the pompous architecture here is pretty decent. A bit much in his personal opinion but still not half bad.

The car comes to a stop and the driver opens the door for reich. It's pretty hot outside with mostly sunshine grilling his black uniform. By the gods he needs a thinner one.

Vaticans guards lead him inside the massive building and down various hallways till they reach Vaticans office.

"Morning" it slips out of reichs mouth, slightly miffed that Vatican didn't meet him at his car.

"Good morning to you too, third reich." Vatican replies, barely looking up from his book. Reich pulls out the chair across from Vatican and sits down, taking a glass and pouring himself a glass of water.

No one of the two have any interest in acting like they like the other.

"I come here for business" reichs opens the convention after refreshing himself.

"You Germans are all the same. No small talk, no 'hey how's it going', no time to greet. Nope, straight to business." Vatican replies, still refusing to lift his eyes from what reich assumes is a Bible.

"It's more efficient. Not everyone has all day for antipasti and wine while looking at little boys." Reich barely manages to finish that oh so innocent sentence before the book smacks shut with a loud bang.

"How dare you utter something like this in the house of god." Vatican says pissed, reichs comment clearly having hit a nerve.

"Now that i have your undivided attention I'd like to make a little deal with you. A truce you might say." Reich adds with a smile to which Vatican immediately schools his expression.

"A truce?" Vatican replies slightly confused. He didn't expect to hear something like this from a nation that has systematically tried to eradicate all forms of religion on his soil.

"A truce. I leave you alone and you leave me alone. Simple as that" reich explains while Vatican raises an eyebrow. He doesn't trust the demon in front of him.

The entire family should have been erased after the great war. Perhaps Vatican can achieve more if he relents now and lets the other one have the truce. Otherwise he might risk loosing even more followers on German lands.

"Alright a truce it is" he sighs and reichs smile widens significantly.

"Splendid. Do you wish to finalise our agreement in written form or are you happy with a verbal agreement?" Reich ask to which Vatican waves it off.

"Verbal is enough" he replies, preferring not to make deals with a demon.

"Was a pleasure making deals with you" reich proclaimes while Vatican huffs.

"Just get out of my office. I will have to cleanse it later." He says annoyed and to his disappointment reich simply leans back in his chair.

"I was hoping you'd show me your country a bit. With its size it surely wouldn't take long." Reich smiles oh so sweetly while the other ones mood sours.

"I can show you the room i trapped and trained your great grandmother till she bent to my will" Vatican replies nearly equally sweet, drawing a rune on a the nearby piece of paper.

With a little smack the rune turns into a palm sized floating lightball which immediately turns reichs sweet smile strained.

"I think i will pass, thanks" reich replies, this time standing up from the chair and walking over to the door.

"Pleasure doing- "get out" Vatican interrupts the other nation who tips his hat slightly before slipping through the previously closed door. Both sigh when the door closes behind reich.

While Vatican just waits for the other ones footsteps to fade, reich tries not to speed up his walk when he notices the dozed of runes hidden in the design of the walls.

If Vatican activates those he is in trouble. That measly light ball was more than enough for him.

He definitely has to work on his resistance against holy magic.


Will thanos snap last chapter as Kristallnacht happened 1938 and not 1933

My bad

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