19.October 33

369 21 8

UnbreakableUnion cannot convince me otherwise that they haven't sold their soul to the devil to have such drawing skills.

Ger is such a bean <3


The sound of two door being opened luckily catches Fascist Italy's attention, giving reich a few seconds to recover from the other ones bubbly nature.

With a big pair of azure coloured wings LoN is steps into the lounge area before heading straight to Switzerland and the Japanese empire. "It's a pleasure to see you again here but unfortunately your attack on China forced me to expell you from any further meetings. Please cooperate here with me, you're already causing quite of a stir." LoN says very diplomatically while positioning himself right next to Switzerland, his wings twitching slightly which reich hates to recognise from weimar as a sign of nervousness.

The Japanese empire waits for her translator to stop speaking before her perfectly stone hard visage looks at LoN.

"Nothing in the formal papers said that simply being at the meeting is forbidden. Only to partake in it." The human says for his empress and LoN looks slightly puzzled as he mentally goes through the text again. After a few seconds, when Switzerland looks up to him, LoN sighs slightly.

She is right.

It doesn't specifically say that just *being* there is not allowed.

"You are allowed to listen to the meeting from the last row but not to interfere with the meeting in any way, shape or form. The meeting ground is neutral territory and attacks on other nations is strictly prohibited." LoN says sternly, knowing damn well he is going to change the wording in the paperwork the second this meeting is over.

"Those are acceptable terms." Is the answer he receives before the Japanese empire walks off towards an empty chair. Fluttering out his wings slightly LoN adresses all the nations in the room.

"Now that everyone has arrived i hereby welcome you to this years meeting. Please get seated inside so we can start." He says loudly and when he is finally the nations stand up, moving towards the now open doors to the meeting hall.

LoN waits until everyone is inside before following them, closing the doors behind him.

"Welcome everyone to this year's meeting, i hope you had a pleasant trip. We have a lot to discuss today." LoN loudly says to the big group of nations before allowing the first nations come forward with their worries and announcements, of which most is boring garbage and reich barely bothers to listen.

Berlin will make him a full list of the topics later anyway.

After a few hours and a short break LoN says something that does catch everyones attention though.

"As the last nation to speak today a ask the third reich to step onto the podium.

Reich suppresses a grin.


His shoes leave a loud echo on the floor as he walks towards LoN's podium, all eyes on him.

With a small adjustment of the microphone he stands there for a second, enjoying the attention.

"My dear fellow nations of the world." His charming voice fills the room.

"Unfortunately i stand here tonight with some bad news. Due denying of request that my government brought to this League of Nations i feel no longer welcome in these halls. My plead to re-arm my nation to protect my people against potential aggressions fell on deaf ears. My compromise to disarm us nations all together was beaten down by countries fearing to lose their power over others. Therefore i have decided to leave the League of Nations behind me." He says as clearly as he can, feigning sorrow at leaving this useless group and making sure they know that it's their fault he doesn't feel welcome anymore.

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