20.December 1934

286 12 17

"This is what we're talking about." Reich grins when the second rocket, Moritz, launches even higher into the air. Many of his states have joined in for the demonstration of this new technology. Needless to say the 'ooohhs' and 'ahhs' are worth the invitations.

"So much technological progress in so little time" the state of Prussia nods impressed while joining reich and Berlin. Despite the similar name and flag the state is not reichs grandfather.

Nobody knows where the country of Prussia disappeared to or even whether he still is alive. He just left his lands to be governed by his most trusted state and ruled by his son the German empire.

The whole situation does make Berlin uneasy though.

Even though reich appointed him to be the capital city and therefore his servant, the city lies entirely within state prussias border.

The state of Prussia is also the biggest and most influential of them all. In other words, Berlin could be replaced or disposed of in a heartbeat.

"Must be impressive for fossils like you" reich agrees, not bothering to look over his shoulder.

"Being a state has always proved to be safer than being a country" Berlin shruggs nonchalantly while the way taller state takes the obvious jab in silence. "And after all that time you now have the honour of serving me. The best nation this planet will ever see." Reich prides himself, this time Berlin remains quiet while Prussia agrees with a humm.

"I imagine that those rockets can hit our enemies all around the globe in a few centuries." The state of prussia continues their conversation as the three of them watch some soldiers leave in a jeep to retrieve whatever is left of the rocket.

"I am interested how walking on the moon would be like. Perhaps one day rockets could bring humans up there." Berlin replies, looking up into the clear sky.

"Britain once speculated that the moon is made of cheese." Reich replies amused. He has no real interest in going to space for now. Perhaps once all his enemies are slain they can look into expanding their living space into space.

"Doesn't look like cheese though" Berlin joins in from the sidelines, noticing Bavaria walking towards them. "Ah hello Bavaria, it's a beautiful day innit?" He greets his fellow state.

"It is but i would like to discuss some work stuff with you. If you're not busy at the moment." Bavaria greets back, keeping the smalltalk short and only offering a nod to both reich and Prussia. Bavaria isn't big a fan of either and often fights with the later. In fact Berlin is pretty sure Bavaria is only nice to him because he hates every Prussian more.

"Yes sure thing" Berlin replies after glancing over to reich. "Yes yes get lost" reich says before Berlin can even ask to be dismissed. With a short nod Berlin follows the Bavarian away, out of the burning sunshine in favour of the nearby buildings.

"How have you been?" Bavaria casually asks when they are finally out of earshot.

"It's stressful but when has it not been like that?" Berlin jokes half heartedly, opening the door for them both.

"It's the one thing i don't envy you for. Being a countrys personal butler would drive me up the wall." Bavaria replies with a smirk, sitting down on a nearby couch while Berlin pulls out a chair from one of the tables to sit down, having the backrest on the front.

"At least i only have to listen to reich while you have to also listen to me." Berlin grins way more sincere that he has in a while, especially when his fellow state snorts amused. They pour themselves some glasses of water, sipping on them as the sun burns down on the tarmac outside.

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