24.October 33

378 20 21

LoN is definitely concerned that another nation left him as an entity cannot live without nations supporting them.

UnbreakableUnion did a really good job at capturing that feeling.


A few days have passed since the world meeting and most things have gone back to normal. Berlin is caught up with the upcoming meeting with the Japanese empire, trying to arrange the two different cultures when disaster hits.

A water pipe in the guest rooms of reichs main mansion bursts, ruining the wooden floor and seeping into the kitchen below.

"That's not good" Berlin whispers in absolute horror when he sees the mess in the kitchen. No way in hell they can repair the damage in time.

They will have to switch to the other mansion outside of the city.

Berlin is about to scrap his current timeplan in favour of making a new one when a servant hurries over to him.

"The Führer and our great leader wish not to be disturbed during their meeting but we received a telegraph from the outer mansion." The servant states before handing Berlin a letter and disappearing again.

Deciding to not bother reich as well with something potentially meaningless Berlin rips open the letter himself and gasps the second he sees the news.

Turning around on the spot he bolts upstairs and runs towards the meeting room.

Reich is sipping from his glass of water, listening to the Führer talk about the upcoming meeting when the door bursts open with a loud bang and Berlin stumbles inside.

"We have news!" He hurries to say before reich verbally explodes at him.

"What news?" Reich growls instead and Berlin immediately hands him the letter, not knowing whether he can say it out loud or not.

Reich scans the letter before his eyes widen in shock. "I am still in this meeting but will take care of it later. Dismissed" he says but before Berlin can leave the room the Führer signals him to wait.

"Seems important to you. We were already pretty much done for today. I will see you again tomorrow." He says to reich before standing up from his chair, the ss soldiers immediately standing to attention.

"Very well" reich replies while standing up as well, politely leading the Führer out of the room. With a final goodbye reich and Berlin book it to the nearest car and don't even bother to wait for a driver so Berlin just sits down in the drivers seat.

"When did you get this?" Reich inquires while Berlin is driving onto the road.

"About a minute before i unprofessionally interrupted the meeting, sir." Berlin replies, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I hope bursting into meetings like this doesn't become the norm. Did i make myself clear?" Reich replies with less sharpness in his voice than Berlin anticipated.

"Crystal clear, sir" he nods quickly before the conversation dies down a bit. While reich is looking at the letter in his hand Berlin is driving out of the city towards the other mansion.

"I wonder how it will look like" reich mumbles after a while, deep in thought and looking out of the window. "Perhaps similar to mine? To fathers? Grandfathers? I would prefer it to be similar to mine." He adds, lost in thought.

"Imagine if it were to look like mine" it jokingly leaves Berlin's mouth before his brain has caught up with what he just said. He can practically feel reich staring at him despite himself refusing to lift his eyes from the road.

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