Chapter 8

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As we ride along the trail, Luke looks back at me. "So I forgot to tell you... tonight I'm going to tell everyone goodbye. I mean not goodbye goodbye, you know, but just for nine months. Just my mom, your parents and a few friends. Do you wanna come with?"

I think for a minute. "Would you be offended if I said no?"

"No. I would completely understand. You need sleep anyways, you haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Yeah. I know." It's true. I haven't. I am too worried about him. Tomorrow is my last full day to be with him for nine months!

"Also one more thing." This cannot be good. "I'm gonna beat you home," and he starts galloping away.

"Crap!" I turn Julie around and start galloping behind him. "C'mon girlie I know you can beat Rico!"

I quickly catch up to Luke and pull ahead as the barn gets closer. I make sure to slow Julie down before we run into the it. I hop off turning around to see Luke approaching. "I see how that turned out for you! Ha ha Ha take that."

He hops off Rico and walks to me taking my face in his hands and kisses me roughly. He pulls back, "Actually I won because I have you. You are only for me and I will love you for the rest of my life."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Beautiful." He presses his lips to mine. Rico whinnies and I laugh against his lips.

"We should probably take care of them," I say. "And then we can finish this."

"Well let's move then!" I giggle at him.

We quickly unsaddle and give Julie and Rico and extra scoop of sweet feed. Luke takes my hand and leads me outside of the barn. I lean against the wall and he puts his hands in my hips. I stand on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his neck and bring his lips to mine. I am with the man of my dreams.


"I have a present for you before I leave."

"You need to stop giving me things," I frown at him. "I feel bad that I don't get you anything."

He holds out a closed fist infront of me. "Here." He opens his fist and something silver falls into my hand. I examine it closer and see that it's a dog tag.

"Aren't you supposed to wear this?" I ask.

It reads:

"Yes. But I am so amazing that I called back and explained the situation. There wasn't anything they could do about the timing, and let me tell you, I let them know how bad of timing it was, but I told them the least they could do was get me two tags so you could wear one."

He takes it back out of my hand and places the silver chain around my neck. "I won't even take this off for the wedding."

I love it. It couldn't be any better. Okay yes it could. My fiancé could not have to be deployed for our wedding. I would say that I am the unluckiest girl in the world, but it isn't true. I have the greatest guy that anybody could ask for.


"I'm home," I hear Luke whisper. I open my eyes and roll over to face him.

He walks into the closet and changes into gym shorts and a t-shirt. "How'd it go?" I ask as he lays down next to me.

"Good." he kisses me. "My mom brought up a really good point though. She told me to ask if you were okay with dropping me off. If you aren't I completely understand. It might be easier if I just leave..."

"No. It's okay. I will be fine. I promise." He shrugs. "Shit!" I sit up quickly.

"What?" Luke asks next to me.

"Rebecca! Did you talk to her? We forgot all about her. That's your only sister. Only sibling for that matter. Oh shit."

"Yes. My mom called her and so did I. We are stopping on the way on Friday... I hope that's okay."

"Yeah. What time are we leaving?"

"Flight leaves at ten."

"Five thirty then? Say an hour at Becca's, puts us at seven and two hours there puts us at nine. That should be perfect."

"Okay. I love you," he replies.

"I love you too."

I roll over and grab my phone off my nightstand.

I text Sarah:
Can I come stay with you overnight. after I drop him off?

She texts back almost instantly.
Of course! Do you want the kids out of here. Chris's parents already wanted them this weekend.

That would be awesome. Thanks so much. See you then. Send love.

"What're you doing?" Luke asks.

"Texting Sarah." I set my phone back on my nightstand.

He kisses me.

"I love you, Luke Reynolds."

"I love you too, Autumn Long. Go to sleep you need it."

"You do too! You are-"

"Shhh. Sleep."

I roll over and lay against his chest. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my head.

Sleep overtakes me.


Sunshine shines through the window in our room, causing me to wake up. Luke isn't in bed so I go downstairs. I walk to the kitchen and he is making something.

"Good morning, Beautiful!" He presses his lips to mine quickly before turning back to the stove.

"Morning Handsome. What's all this?" I gesture to the mess covering the kitchen.

"I made you breakfast. It's our last day together and I'm making it special."

"Awe, thanks." He flips what looks like the last pancake and turns back to me.

"Where were we?" He smirks at me. I giggle at him, biting my lip.

He takes another step towards me. He leans in and I pull back. "Have you eaten any of this bacon yet?"

"Like half the package. you are too predictable. I did this all for you."

"Mhm. Okay. That's what happened."

He kisses me. He does taste like bacon. I smile against his lips.

I don't know how I will live without this for nine months. I guess I will take it day by day.

Our kiss becomes more heated and he lifts me onto the island. I tug on his hair and he smiles at me. "This is gonna get cold," he whispers to me.

"This was all your idea. Don't blame me." I whisper back. "It's okay. I still love you."


We lay on a blanket in the sand by the lake at his mom's house. He seemed urgent to try and get me or of the house. It doesn't matter. He probably has a big day planned on a schedule. HA! Who am I kidding ? He wouldn't make a schedule.

"I have a present for you."

"No!" I whine. "You've given too much stuff already. Stop. No more. I love you, but please."

"There's only two more things... I think. For now anyways."


"It is literally too late. There ain't no going back. Too bad, get over it. these were my plans sometime before our wedding but today is all I got left so bear with me."

I roll my eyes and give in. He sits us up on the blanket. "This is the one you literally have to like. Ready?"

"No," I reply. He pulls his shirt off and turns to his back to me. Across his shoulder blades, my name is tattooed. "What! No! I love it, wow, but no. You really-"

He cuts me off. "Shhh. It's staying. Get over yourself. I love you and I want everybody to know it."

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