Chapter 21: Luke (POV)

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[Short chapter warning!]

I hear a loud noise next to me and I sit up in bed, sweating. I notice Autumn isn't next to me.

I turn on my lamp and look toward the sound of the noise. I see Autumn. Her body is limp and she is laying against the wall.

"Autumn?" No answer.

I rush over to her. Did I do this? Did I hurt my wife? "Autumn!" I yell.

I did. This is my fault. I'm not supposed to drive. But she needs to get to the hospital. I don't know what to do. The ambulance will take too long.

I have to take her to the ER. She needs help. It's only two miles. I can do this.

I bend down and carefully lift her in my arms. She's beautiful and I don't deserve her. She's perfect in every way. I lay her on the bed.

We both fell asleep in just underwear (she has a bra too) so I grab clothes for us out of the closet. I grab jeans, driving mocs and a black t-shirt and put them on.

My leg is in pain but it's not important. And my head is pounding. But I need to help Autumn. I grab her a pair of running shorts and my hoodie and put them on her.

I pick her up and walk out to the truck, laying her in the back seat. I've gotten stronger and she feels lighter to me.

I haven't driven since our wedding. But I can do this. My wife needs this. She needs to get help.


I've been waiting here for an hour. They haven't told me anything. The don't know anything yet. I'm just like my father. I'm no good for her. I should just leave her now. That way I can't cause her anymore pain.

A nurse walks in. It's her nurse. I stand up and walk to her. "She's just fine. She has a wrist sprain but it should heal in about a week. She's still asleep but you can go see her."

She's okay. But I still hurt her. "Please," I say. They tell me she's okay but I won't believe it until I know I won't ever hurt her. She leads me down a short hall to room 104. We live in a small town and the hospital is tiny.

She opens the door and stands to the side, waiting for me to enter. "Thanks," I nod.

And I walk in.

She lays in a small bed. There are three wires that disappear into her gown. She has a IV tube in her arm. She's beautiful. I go to the side of her bed and pull the chair out of the corner.

I sit next to her but I don't touch her. I fold my hands and pray because I don't want to hurt her. But I did hurt her. I hurt the love of my life. I hurt my wife, my best friend.

Tears roll down my face. I am my father. I hurt her. I promised her repeatedly that I never would, but I did.

And I don't think I can risk doing that again. I don't think I risk hurting a child, our child.

I should just leave. Just leave her and never look back, to protect her.

I remeber when we were kids. We lived about a quarter mile away from eachother but we had a fort between our houses. We always met there.

Once, when we met there she noticed my fresh bruises. She knew it wasn't right. But we didn't know there was anything that could be done. We were too young to know we could get help. We were going to run away. But we didn't. For my mom and my sister.

She had a great life, mine always worried her. Even when we were young, she sensed something was wrong.

And I know I can't leave her. I have to stay. She wouldn't be okay. Neither would I.

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