Chapter 16

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[Shorter Chapter!]

"Quitting my job? Why? Why would I do that?"

"Because... because I want us to be at home while we raise our family. I want you to be a stay at home mom so we can be together and raise our family together. Because I want us to have kids soon and I don't want to wait until after your next school year."

"But what about before you get home? What am I supposed to do until you get back? And what about money? I want don't ever want to have to worry about money with our kids. And what-"

He silences me by kissing me. "You can farm until I get back. Money won't be an issue because you already know both of us have plenty of it. And not gonna lie, a teacher's salary won't make that big of a dent. You can help me farm. You can be with our kids all day or you can go out and farm and I can take care of the kids."

"But I love my kids. My students. I love my job. But you're right. I want to be a stay at home mom. I want to be able to watch our kids grow up. I..." I take a deep breath. "I think you're right. I will do it."

"You don't have to. I'm not going to force you to do it. I want you happy."

"No. I'm going to do it. I want to do it."

He smiles. "It sounds perfect. Our life sounds perfect."

"Why don't we ever talk about our future anymore? I mean we really haven't since we got engaged. We never talk about our kids or about any of that, not anymore."

"Well," he starts, "we are going to have at least three kids."

"The oldest one will be a boy." His body tenses when I say it and I know he's having flashbacks. "And you're going to be the best father in the world. You won't ever hurt them or me. You will love us all. But the first one has to be a boy so he can protect his little siblings. He will be big and strong and handsome, like his dad."

"And I'm going to spoil my little girls. I'm going to protect them with my life. I'm going to protect all of you, my entire family with my life. And we'll be happy. Because my life without you would be like a broken pencil."

"Don't say it," I warn. I know exactly where this is going.

"It'd be pointless."

"Besides your pencil puns, it sounds perfect," I say with a small yawn.

He brings his hand to my cheek brushing over my cheekbone with his thumb. "Sleep. It's been a long day. You went through a lot today. We got married today." He presses his lips to mine before turning me around. He pulls me against him so my back is against his chest.

I feel every place we are touching. His head is in the crook of my neck, his strong torso against my back, his arm wrapped around me, protecting me from the world and our legs tangled together.

"I love you, Mr. Reynolds," I say becasue I mean it.

"I love you too, Mrs. Reynolds. Now sleep."


"Good morning, my beautiful bride," I hear Luke's voice in my ear.

I roll over to see him standing above me, still in his sweats. "Good morning," I smile.

"Breakfast will be here in like two minutes."

I sit up and slide mg back against the headboard. Luke sits down next to me and presses his lips to mine. He makes me happy. I haven't been happy in a long time. When we kiss I feel like there are no other people in the world. I feel like we are the only people that matter and everything is okay. There is a knock on the door and Luke pulls back with a grunt. I giggle at him as he goes to the door.

He comes back a minute later with a tray full of food.

He sits down next to me in bed and sets the tray on his lap. "Breakfast is served, Mrs. Reynolds." I smile at him because this is perfect.


We spend the day talking and eating and kissing and holding eachother. He's leaving in the morning. We decided it would probably be easier if he just left. I am bad at goodbyes.

We are laying in bed, my head on his bare chest.

"I can't wait to come back home to you so we can start our family. So we can be together for the rest of our lives," Luke says.

"I'm excited too," I say. "And the horses miss you. I think Rico is mad at me because I'm not you."

He chuckles at me and a small yawn escapes my lips.

"I'm tired. But I shouldn't be. And I don't wanna sleep. You won't-"

Luke cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. "Sleep. I'm tired too. I love you. I'll see you in a few months."

"I love you too." I single tear falls from my cheek onto his chest. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me even closer to him.

"Stay beautiful," he says. And I fall asleep.

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