Chapter 17

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Day 7

I've started counting days. Counting the days since he left. So I know how soon he will be home. I think it's been helping keep me sane. Or making me more insane. I don't know which yet.

It's been a week since he left. I told my boss and students and co-workers that I'm resigning.

I'm currently watching some random show on TV, not paying attention to what it is.

There's a knock on my door. I shut shut off the TV and go to see who it is. I open the door and Tiff is standing outside, smiling. Philip is standing with his arm around her waist.

"No. I don't wanna go out," I say slouching and walking back to my livingroom. "I'm not in the mood. I've had a bad day. And quit rubbing your happy coupleness in my face."

"I'm not taking you out. In fact I can't go out. "And did you just say 'coupleness'?"

I'm not really listening. "Yes, why are you here?" I ask, sitting on the couch.

"I need to ask you something."

They sit on the couch across from me. Tiff looks up at Philip and smiles. When she turns back to me he presses his lips to her head.

"Okay. Go away! Couples are gross. Ugh."

"Autumn," Philip says.

"Will you be our baby's godmother?" Tiff says.

"What? Oh my yes! Conrgratualtions!" I jump up and hug them both. "Guys! Yes! I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks," Philip says.

"How far along are you?"

"About ten weeks. I know you aren't supposed to tell people until the second trimester but I figured you could use it."

"I could. Yes. Oh, thank you so much. Um, do you wanna stay for supper? I could find something to whip up real quick."

"No. Sorry. We are going to tell Philip's brothers."

I gasp. "You told me before his family? I'm honored!"

"Yeah. We did. But we gotta go," Philip says.

"Okay. I will see you guys later. Thanks for coming."

We start walking to the door. "Bye." I hug her and she walks out.

"See you later," I hug Philip and he turns to walk out. I grab his elbow and he turns around. "If you think anything is going wrong or she needs anything or you need anything, you call me. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am," he smiles.

And he leaves.

And now I'm alone.

Day 42

The bell rings and homeroom is over. That's the end of my job. I'm no longer a teacher. I'm sad but it feels good. Now I'm a full time mom. I just don't have a husband in the country or kids yet.

I see someone walking in. I look up and see Rebecca.

"Hey! Oh my gosh hi! What're you doing here?"

"I just knew it was your last day and thought I'd stop by and see you. How are you?"

"I'm, I'm I don't know. I've had better days. What about you?"

"I'm actually alright, surprisingly alright. Also, I didn't just come here for the fun of it. I'm sort of on a mission."

"What might that mission be?" I ask.

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