Chapter 25

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"Luke, do you realize we've been married for six months already?"

"Six of the happiest months of my life," he says, turning to me.

"I love you," I say. I get up from the couch but am pulled back down to Luke's lap. I smile. He wraps his arms around my waist. "Hey," I whisper. He kisses my neck. "Not now. You're sister is coming with her boyfriend, Mark," I say.

"Well!" He says as he stands up and gently pushes me off. "You killed it!" he says as he throws his arms up. "You killed the mood."

"Shut up," I say standing up. "And help me cook."

"I'm too mad to cook."

"Why are you mad now?"

"Because my sister, my baby sister has a boyfriend. And you like him and she likes him and I don't wanna like him. But if she likes him and I don't she's gonna be pissed at me."

"Luke," I say as I put my hand on his chest. "Breathe. You'll like him. I know it. But you can't be biased and only hate him cause he's dating your sister. I know you want to do everything to keep her safe, but you can only take that so far. She's a grown woman capable of making her own decisions."

"I don't want her to grow up," he whines. 

"Well, that sucks. How about we call and ask them to pick up a pizza or something on the way? We can just cuddle and make you feel better."

"How about sex?"

I roll my eyes. "Is that all you think about?"

"Yes, no, possibly."


He turns and runs up the stairs towards our room. I laugh and follow him.

"Clothes off," he states, already unbuttoning his pants.


"So, Mark," Luke says. What do you do for a living?"

We are gathered around our table eating fried chicken. Luke hasn't got mad yet, but he also hasn't moved his hand from my thigh.

"I work at a feedlot. I'm the lot manager."

"That's a big job," he says. This is honestly kind of awkward.

I stand up. "More beer?" I ask. Everyone nods. "Help me Bec," I say.

We walk to the garage to get the next case of beer. "I think he likes him. And he should."


"He's not gonna show it, but I can tell," I reply.

"That's a relief," she sighs.

"Why were you so worried about this one?" I ask.

"No reason," she avoids eye contact.

"You're a terrible liar. What's up? You know you can talk to me."

"He's different. He's not like everyone else. This time is more serious and I've... I've never felt this way before."

I smile. "Do you love him?"

She bites her lip. "I think I do," her face lights up when she says it.

"Let's go," I nod towards the door.

We walk back into the kitchen. Rebecca bends down to say something in Mark's ear. He nods in response as she sets the beer on the table.

I sit down and as if it is instinct, Luke's large hand goes straight back to my thigh.

I grab a bottle of beer and take the cap off. I hand it to Luke.

"How's the leg?" Mark asks Luke.

"It's better. I'm still in the brace but it's doing good. On a good day, I can ride for a little while."

"That's good. I know how you feel. When I was about 13, I broke my arm working cattle. We had a real nervous heifer in the chute. She reared up and kicked me. Mom wouldn't let me ride or even do chores for 2 months after that damn cast came off. I was so pissed."

"Sounds like this one," Luke nudges me with his shoulder and laughs.

"I'm following doctors directions!" I go on the defense immediately.

"Calm down, I love you."

I roll my eyes. "I love you too." As long as they're getting along, I don't care if they make fun of me.

"We better get going before Autumn rages," Rebecca says before winking and standing up. Luke and I stand up.

She wraps her arms around me. "I'll see you soon," I say.


She turns to Luke. They hug each other and he whispers something in her ear. She smiles and nods.

I walk to Mark. "Thanks for coming Mark," I say.

"No, thank you for having me. Supper was amazing. I hope I can come back." He's extremely polite. He brought supper.

"Anytime," I reply. Luke comes over.

He and Mark shake hands. "Take care of her," Luke says sternly.

His eyes leave Luke's and find Bec. "I will," he says with a smile. 

They're so cute. 

"See y'all," Rebecca says. They go to the front door. Mark opens it for her and they walk out. Luke and I follow them out and stand on the front porch. The cool air is refreshing.

They get in Mark's truck and drive away. I feel Luke walk up behind me. His body presses against my back. He drapes his arm on my shoulder. I take his hand in mine.

We just stand like that. This moment is perfect. "I forgot to tell you, we have a photoshoot tomorrow." I say.

"We what?"

"I apparently won some contest on Facebook. I liked a photography page and there was a drawing or something. I won and scheduled it for tomorrow."

"Thanks for the warning," he says sarcastically. "What am I supposed to wear?"

"Your nice boots, jeans, and your navy plaid shirt. Sorry. I totally forgot about it."

"I forgive you."

"Let's head to bed."

We walk upstairs and I go straight to the closet. I grab one of Luke's hoodies and change into it. I walk to the bed and pull the covers down.

I climb into bed. The closet light shuts off and Luke crawls into bed next to me. I roll over to him and lay my head on his chest.

"Goodnight, Beautiful," he says.

"Goodnight," I say. I press my lips against his.

"You don't taste like beer," he says.

"I'm sorry?"

"No, it's just you usually do when you drink."

"I didn't drink," I say. "I don't feel good."

"Babe," he says. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm a big girl."

"But," I hear. The next thing I know, I'm hunched over the toilet puking. I feel Luke's presence behind me. He pulls my hair away from my face and rubs my back.

I puke again. I reach up and flush the toilet before I lean against the wall. "You okay?" he asks. I nod. He wraps his arms around me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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