Untamed wonder

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I wandered over to the paddock to have a look at the horses. The paddocks where massive, bigger then my grin. Every few steps I stopped and glanced at a horse.

I started shedding tears as I saw a foal.
"OH MY GOD SO CUTE" I screamed climbing over the fence and walking over to the foal. The black coal trotted over to me and I gave him a gentle pat.

"Awhhh your cute" I said climbing out of the paddock and I kept on walking.

After what felt like hours I saw a stunning horse.
"Hey its you front he car" I told the horse. The bay horses ears where flattened and he was rearing even though I was nearly a hundred meters away from him. My metal arm grasped the wood and I stood up on the fence.
"Hey buddy wanna come?" I asked clicking my tounge. My eyes looked deep into his. The horses mane was covered in leaves he was dirty and his fur was unruly. I gently climbed over the fence. My hand reached down and I grabbed a clump of grass. I gently crouched down making myself seem smaller. I tried to make myself seem my a friend and not a threat.
"Hey buddy. It's okay boy. Here have some grass" I whispered and I moved very slowly towards him. As I got closer I looked at the markings on his face. A splash from his neck reached down half way under his barrel. His face has weird markings that looks like someone dropped paint all over his face. Slowly I stood up and moved one foot forward till I was just fifty metered away from him. The massive stallion lowered his head and moved very slowly towards me. My metal arm reached out to him as we slowly stepped towards eachother.

The bay stood just a meter infront of me. My hand reached out and it gently touched his muzzle. His eyes flashed white and he reared up. I stood back and he started rearing and pinning his ears back.
"Easy boy its okay. Here" I said offering him a some grass. The horse slowly took a step forward. He lifted up his front foot and moved towards me. I walked towards him and ran my hand gently down his neck. His wild fur warmed my fingers.
"Your a pretty boy" I whispered runing my hand down his neck.
"Maybe I should give you a bath" I asked the horse. I slowly backed away and grabbed a halter from the fence. When he saw the halter his nostrials flared. His eyes flashed white.
"It's okay boy" I whispered as I moved to him and gently slid the halter on.
"Good lad" I said giving the stallion a clump of grass. He moved his head to my hand and gently touched my hand. He opened his mouth and took a bite of grass.
"Good boy" I said moving away from him letting him get used to the halter on his face. The horse bobbed his head in distress. I watched as the bay horse bucked. Slowly I stepped away and the rope yanked on his face forcing him to step forward.
"Atta boy" I praised him stroking him causing him to rear up and leap into the hair.
"Shhh easy" I told him slowly walking forward. His legs moved slowly stepping forward. A smile crossed my face as he moved towards me. I moved slowly towards the paddock fence.

I opened the paddock gate and the massive stallion who looked nearly eighteen hands now he was next to me.
"Oh my god! You caught... him" Brit screamed.
" his name is Bay, well thast out nickname for him. He's a resuce from an abusive backround. We rescued him no one has ever gotten close to him since we got him into the paddock" Brit explained.
"If you want you can take over his training" Brit asked me.
"Really!?" I said holding Bay who was no grazing.

We walked over to the bath bay on the stable. The trees where massive and seemed to make Bay feel at home.
"I think I'm gonna call him express... cause how our relationship was so fast like an express train" I said as I looked into Expresses eyes. I know he is my bestfriend now. We walked into the wash bay at the back of the stables. People looked at us shocked that we had caught the untrainable stallion. My hands grabbed the rope and looped it around the metal ring. Brit came over with a hay net and he started sniffing it before digging in.

I grabbed the curry comb and ran it over his body. The dirt and loose hairs fell off. As I ran the brush over the horses body and after a while his coat looked amazing. His coat was shining and amazing. After a I finshed his coat and grabbed a mane and tail brush and began brushing his tangled mess of a mane.

I turned on the hose and ran it over his body. Express started rearing as I ran the water over him. I gave him a pat and ran it near a him getting him used to it. Then I ran it over his body till he was gleaming. I squirted some soap on his coat and started running it in. My fingers ran into his coat and dug all the dirt out of his coat.

"There perfect!" I said standing back looking at the horses stunning coat.
"Why don't you put him into a paddock and come back tommorw, you mum should be here now." Brit said

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