Im here to win

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"This course is hard" I muttered as Ally stood next to me. She hadn't made it o nationals as she had fallen off and gotten disqualified. Sat there as express started rearing and bucking.
"Easy buddy" I said as he let out a massive buck sending me to the ground. Ughhhhh. Why did he have to be so fiery?
"Try bareback" ally said. I let out a small nod and slowly took the saddle and bridle off. I stroked express's back and felt his muscles loosen. I got back on and headed to the starting gate.
"You can do this. Trust in express. He will never do anything to hurt you. Close your eyes till your one" Ally told me. I let out a nod and slowly rode him to the starting gate. I gripped his mane as I went over the course in my mind. I know this course will be hard. Really hard. Each jump is over a hundred and thirty centimetres. The Average is a hundred and fifty.
"If I die, I love you" I said as I clipped my vest on to protect me form any falls. I pulled my legs back, landed forward and looked forward waiting for the bell to sound.
I gave him a light kick behind where the girth would be and he sped off into a gallop. We moved as fast as we could around the corner. I slowed him once the jump came into view. It was a massive jump, a rolltop with water infront. I held his mane tight and gave him a kick as we took off landing on the other side with ease. He panted as we cleared the second jump. I kept urging him forward as we came to a picnic table. I slid nervously on his back as his ears pinned back. I felt him slow down to a trot. I started kicking him and he reared. I kept n pressing my boots on his side as I urged him into a canter. He took himself into a cnater just a stride away from the jump. He lept over it at an awkward angle throwing me back. I steadied myself and urged him a little faster. The nex jump was a log jump, high but not very long. I leaned forward as he took off. Wehn he started falling I Leander back and landed. For a second he slid on the landing but got himself back and kept going at a steady canter.
"Your going good buddy" I said as we came to a cliff jump. He slammed on his hocks and looked down at the jump. I sat there for a second letting him look at it. He pushed himself off and landed. The second he landed he lifted his front feet up and propped himself through a apex.
"Atta lad" I said as we sloshed through the water. I kept my leg on as we came to a roll top. His ears flicked back waiting for my command. I di a hal halt and gave him a kick and we flew over the jump. We galloped out of thw water. I pushed him for a fast gallop. He pulled his head down and stared moving his feet as fast a s he could. The groundblurred as we galloped at nealry forty kilometres an hour. I slowed him down as we came to a Barn. It wasnt as tall as the others but over a metre in leangth. I Leander forward as he took it. I felt like we flew through the air for ever. We landed on the other side gently. The second we landed we took off and lept over a ramp. I reached down and gave his thick-stallion neck.
"Good boy, your doing great" I panted. I stood up on the saddle taking my weight off his back and onto his shoulders. I let him gallop as we moved through a. Field. I scanned the field for a jump. I was to busy looking for jumps and was caught of guard by a hall rolltop. Express propelled himself over the jump. I grabbed onto his thick mane as I was flung back onto his butt.
"Woahhh, easy, eas, just a few more jump" I said as I stroked him. I pulled on his mane forcing him to slow down. I started counting the strides in my head as we came to the third last jump. I gave him a little kick as we jumped over the water jump. The next jump was wood log. We took it with ease. The last jump was a corner. I pulled him into the corner and he jumped over it.
"Atta boy!" I kicked him asking him for a gallop. I Leander forward and hugged his neck giving him massive pats as I kicked him. We galloped over the finish line.
"Atta lad!" I yelled giving him massive pats.
"I really hope I win" I said stroking express's neck.
"Come on lets head into the main arena there annoying the winners for your round. We hurried over to the ring as fast as we could.
"Okay everyone, great job! You all did amazing, in third place is max Hit, second Alba Ham, and first place... CALIFORNIA HIGHTS ON EXPRESS" the announcer said.
"IM GOING TO THE GRANDPRIX!" I screamed as Loud as I could. I startes patting express like crazy. I jumped off his back and me and ally started stuffing treats in his mouth and giving him pats. People rushed over to congrats me. I closed my eyes and gave express a massive hug.
"I knew you could do this. I dont care if we loose next week. Your still my heart horse" I whispered kissing his soft muzzle. I walked away leaving the crowd behind us. My mum and dad jumped in and hugged me. Even Brianna had a small a smile.
"Congrats... I guess" Brianna said giving me a awkward hug.
"Love you express" i said as I kissed him.

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