Trail ride with ally... goes wrong

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"Here ride Rocket" Brit told me handing me the reins to a young look dapple seal bay.
"Anything I should know?" I asked patting the calm horse.
"He's a bit bolty. Just keep the reins tight and use very light commands. Be warned... he hates black horses" Brit told me. I nodded and me and ally lead the geldings over to the mounting blocks. I held the reins and stepped up onto the mounting block. I rammed my foot into the iron and swung my leg over the saddle and settled in.
"Wanna just walk and trot to get used to him" ally asked. I nodded and gave him a light squeeze and he moved into a walk. After a few laps around the area I asked for a trot. He put his head downs bit and I tightened the reins. I gave him a pat as me and ally slowed down to a walk and headed down the path. The hooves gently tapped the concreate.
"Lets take the mountain route" ally said turning left into a shady dirt path. A smile crossed my face as rocket moved into a trot.
" thi path is super wide"
"Yeah on New Year's Eve we all ride up here at evelen at night. All like fifty of us and we head up to the mountain top and watch the fire works. We give the horses sound proof ear muffs" ally explained.
I gave the gelding a click and we moved into a faster trot.
"Good boy" I said as ally moved up closer to me.
" gimme the barn gross" I said eager to get filled in on everything.
"So Brit is the best trainer. Super kind. Alan is a pro dressage rider and he Is the worst trainer" ally told me.
"He cant be that bad"
"Once I forgot to keep my heels down and he made me do rising trot with no strupids for over an hour." Ally complained.
"Wow! That must suck" I said.
" yep, now let me tell you stay away from Stacye Birdhall."
"Why?" I asked loosening the reins.
"Stacey bird hall has never tacked dup her own horse. Did you see that pure white stallion?" She asked
"Mhm, how can she of never tacked up her own horse?"
"Yeah she through horse dung at me cause I was picking up after my horse instead of paying a groom" she slipped
"Gosh, anyway more about the white stallion" I said eager to know more about the stunning horse.
"Well his name is firefly. A stunning fire year old andulisan. He cost over two million dollars"
"Oh my god! And she cant even tack up" I said looking up out at an open field.
"Lets say race through it" I was cut off by the sound of hoof beats muffled by grass. Confetti and ally and taken off. His white tail whipped around in the wind.
"Come back!" I yelled as gave rocket a kick. I pushed him forward with my legs and he took off.
The wind pulled at my hair as I gribbed rockets mane.
"Come on buddy" I said pushing him for a fatser gallop. I rose up out of the saddle and pushed all my weight into my knees and clung on to his back with my knees. Confetti and ally where still super far from us. I turned him left to avoid a tree and suddenly I saw a jump out of the Corner of my eye. Rocket started to stumble as we came to the log. He jumped but his back legs hit the jump and was flung over the log. His back legs fell over his head as we crashed into the log.

The terrified neighshook me to my bones. The same scream from my mouth forced flashbacks of the horrible day into my head.

I lay on the ground staring at the sun. Is lowly moved my limbs to check for any broken bones. I slowly sat up and looked over at rocket. He was lying on the the ground and panting. I stood up and walked over to the seal bay. I stroked his neck as I saw some hooves out of the corner of my eye,
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Is rocket okay?" Ally asked rapid firing questions at me.
"I'm fine can you call Brit?" I asked running my right hand down the horses legs.
"All good. Think he's just winded" I confermied as I looked over at ally reporting my findings to Brit.
"Brit will be here in a few minutes, she bringing the horse trailer" ally said.
"Help me untack him" I asked. I stroked his face and undid his girth. I gently pushed the saddle and saddle pad over onto the grass. A car engine roared as I heard a screech.
"Im here" Brit told me jumping out of the front seat.  She hurried over and stroked rockets face. She slowly  gave the Gelding a nudge and he stood up.
"You okay Cally?" She asked slowly leading the winded horse into the horse float.
"Im fine. Im so sorry!" I said. I am super nervous he is hurt and that I hurt another horse like Fally. I didint want to hurt another horse at all. Or anyone. I am just thankful that is okay.
"I brought another horse for you to ride back in case you where hurt, he just finshed a lesson so go eays on him." Brit said loading a chestnut horse.
"This is henry he's twenty three. Gelding. Retired dressage horse. Super responsive." Brit told me hurrying into the trailer and driving off.
"Wanna keep riding into the field?" Ally asked.
"Nah I think I twisted my ankle" I told her. I stroked the grumpy chestnut and mounted on. I gave him a pat and a kick and we moved into a trot. I gave rose and fell to the rythm of the geldings gait.
"His trot is so bumpy" I grumbled as we made our way back through the field.
"Lets canter" ally said as I clicked him into a canter. We made our way through the field and down the path back to the stable.

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