A good ride? Yes really

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brit looked at me covered in mud and water. express's mane was clumped with mud and grass.

"okay.... i see your all warmed up canter around the feild and have a look at the jumps. i'll call you back soon" brit said as she sat atop a black horse. we nodded as i watched as confetti qand ally started cantering.

"canter bud" i said. he pulled his head diwn and started cantering. i looked around at the jumps. all pretty easy for em to jump. but for express it could be diffuclt. we circled around the jumps a few times.

"okay Cally i would like you to jump the jumps in any orde until i say stop" i nodded and moved into a faster canter.

i held the reins tightly and kept my leg on. i gave him a kick and we flew over each and every jump. his feet left the ground and he took off. i leaned forward as we lept over the water jump. I gave him a pat and started kicking him forward towards a jump.
"Come on express, come on . You can do it" I said tapping him with my mud soaked boots. He took off landing on the other side of the jump gently.
"Atta boy" I said.
"Heels down!" Brit called out. I glanced down at my heels. I pushed my heels down and my toes up to the sky. I pushed up through my heels and rose up in the saddle into  two point. I gave him some kicks and moved my hands up his neck as he bounced off and took a massive log jump, he flew over it slamming on the other side.
"Good boy! You doing great" I told him stroking his thick neck. We cantered around the field for a few seconds then I yanked the reins pulling him inward. My legs pushed against his belly as I urged him towards a jump. The jump was a crate jump with a pole over it. His ears flickered back.
"Come on buddy" I said. He slowed down hesitting. I gave him a kick. He slowed down and I gave him a harder kick.
"Get" I said kicking him harder, my heels tapped his belly. I pushed him over the jump and we landed on the other side after a lot off trouble.
"Atta lad" I said slowing him down to a trot.
"Good job" Ally said clapping.
"wow good job! you should enter the Rivershine competition." Brit said as her black mare pulled her hair down to snatch some grass. She tugged the reins up and she flickered her ears back.
"What's that?" I asked stoking his sweaty neck.
"The rivershine competition is a masssive show where the best riders in the barn compete to win. The top five go on to repasent the barn in states, then the top the three go to  nationals form any barn. Then the winner goes to the grandprix." Ally blurted out.
"Really. I don't know if I should ride in the grandpix again." I said bitting my lip nervously.
"You already competed in the grandprix" Brit said trying to convince me.
"And nearly died" I added.
"Come on just for fun" Ally said shoving me on the shoulder.
"Fine!" I groaned rolling my eyes.
"Well you gotta train!" Ally yelled causing confetti spook.
"Sorry buddy" she said as the gelding rolled his head, he was use to ally crazeniess.
"What time is it?" Ally asked.
"Umm it's two"I said glaring at my mud covered watch.
"Oh no! Confetti's get appointment!" Ally said kicking confetti into a gallop.
"Now we gotta work on your training" Brit said putting her hands on her hips.
"Pull up the struips and take that jump" Brit said firmly pointing at the small log jump.
"This what I get for being good?" I chuckled. I nodded and pulled up the iron across the saddle. I pushed him into a trot and moved up and down in the saddle.
"Lets take thsi bud" I told him giving him a gentle kick to get him to move faster. I got ready to move forward as we came to the jump. Three two one. Lift off. I gave him a sturdy kick and leaned forward and he took the jump like a champ. I trotted back around to Brit who nodded.
"Not bad. Now I'm gonna test how high express can jump. The rivershine show jumps for cross country are pretty spooky and nealry a metre high. The show jumping it about 90 centimetres" Brit told me.
"I'll do cross country" I answered.
"Well I want you to walk the course, it had numbers and jump them, I'll time you" brit kind of order me.
I hopped off and started walking around the course. All these seem pretty easy.

When I got back I swung my leg over the massive horse. I gave him a kick and we moved into a fast canter, the first jump a roll top only about half a metere. I held the reins tight and gave him a kick and we flew over it. I stroked his neck as we went over a very steps.
"Good boy" I told him slowing down to a trot. There was a lake and I gave him some leg and we waddled through the lake.
"Good lad" I said giving him a kick and asking him for a canter, he bobbed his head and moved into the calm gait. We kept moving across the course taking every single jump with ease. I cantered back over to Brit who was beaming.
"That was amazing! Just a bit under a minute. The show is in a week. You should start prepping for it." Brit explained.
"Huh. I should sign up." I said pondering the thought.
"Sure! I'll sign you up. So cross country?"
"Yep" I confermied.
"I better go now, and clean up" I said grinning.
"Okay haha." Brit said laughing and giving the stunning black mare a a squeeze.

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