Bratty kids suck

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I stood up tall holding the lead contacted to Boss Dogs muzzle.
"Easy Bud" I said through gritted teeth.
The play ground was like a small oasis in the middle of a field. On the North Side was a stunning soccer field with a dog park on the west. The play ground was covered with trees and stunning greenery. My face opened up into a smile as I saw the monkey bars. The stunning yellow metal bars stretched across to a metal platform. A rock climbing fall only a few feet high reached up and lead up to a metal tunnel.
"If I was ten this would be my new home" I chuckled as boss dog whimpered.
"Wanna play with the other doggies?" I asked. A whimper let out of his mouth. We started walking over to the dog park. When we got to the gate I pulled the metal gate open then opened the other gate. I kneeled down and clipped the lead of his muzzle. I left he muzzle off so he didn't bite any dogs.

I watched as he ran around with the other dogs and started running around and his massive tail started wagging.
"Ewww! Whats that on your arm" a kid with blonde hair came over asking me. He looked about six. The short limbed kid was dressed in a yellow shirt with hot pink shorts and some running shoes.
"Metal, its a fake arm" I told the boy. I grinned at him even though I was a bit hurt at what he had said but I was used to it. No where near as bad as what Brianna has said to me.
"So your a freak" I raised my eyebrow.
"That is not nice Ethan!"A red haired lady said running up.
"I'm sorry about Ethan" the lady said pulling the boy away and gave him a stern talking to. The voices where hushed. The lady walked up and gave an apologetic look before patting the boy on the shoulder and walking away.
"your a freak" he taunted with his voice just low enough his mother couldn't hear.
"And your a little twerp" I hissed back at him walking away from him rolling my eyes. Suddenly the boy jumped up and hugged me. I looked back I felt a snap. My eys opened wide as I saw the boy running away. I went to grab my phone it wasn't there. My eyes moved towards the blurred boy and I noticed a phone.
"GIVE IT BACK" I screamed running towards the blurry boy. My face burns red as my shoes slap the ground. The sound of the wind muffled the sound of my screams. My flesh-hand reached out and I grabbed his shirt. The boy stumbled and my fingered went to grab the phone falling out of his hand. We both crashed into the ground.The boy stood up crying as I slid across the ground.
"Why did you take my phone? I asked standing up brushing the dirt off my knees.
"Cause I only have a iPhone 10 and you have a iPhone 11" he reasoned going to grab my phone from the ground. I shoved his hand away and slowly picked up the phone.
"No no no no no no" I stuttered picking up the phone. Half the screen had fallen off and a little bit of my phone had snapped off. Sweat beaded on my foreheads. I have had the phone for barley a month.
"Mum and dad are gonna kill me" I froze after I finished speaking.
"How do I get home?" I had used gps to get here and now I was lost. I hurried over to the dog park and saw Boss Dog happily playing with another dog. I grabbed him and walked over to a lady.
"Hey honey"
"Can I use your phone mines broken and I need to call my parents." I asked. The lady took one look and me and nodded. I smiled as she handed me the phone, I punched in my mums number and let it ring.
"We texted you why didn't you reply?" My mum asked angrily.
"Some kid stole my phone and broke it" I explained sadly.
"How do I know your not lying"
"Mum why would I lie about my phone"
"True" my mum said before pausing. "I'll pick you up okay. Wait at the dog park. How is Boss dog?"
"He's good" I explained.

Me and my mum talked for a while as I watched Boss dog run around puffing and panting.

"Hey" my mum said walking up behind me. I turned around and tried to grin. I put out my hand and showed her the shattered remains of my phone.
"Hey is that weasel" I yelled at Ethan. I began running as my mum looked at me confused.
"You broke my phone" I hissed at the kid.
"Get your hands of my kid!" The red haired lady said pushing me away.
"Your little brat broke my phone" I yelled at the lady.
"Your kid broke my kids phone" my mum yelled coming over. In a matter of seconds the parents where screaming at each other.
"Lets go Cally, grab Boss" she hissed, her long brown hair was standing up on her head, her eyes read in anger. The work boots covering her foots, the button down shirt was covered in sweat of pure anger. My mums boney-lawyer hands grabbed my arm and yanked me away, I stumbled after her as her fingers covered my arm squeezing my arm cutting off the blood.
We hurried over to the dog park and grabbed Boss dog. Mutters came under my mums breath as she dragged me over to the car. Boss dog jumped up into the Mercedes boot.

On the drive home my mum clenched the wheel in full rage.
"That kid is a spoilt little brat" my mum yelled as if I was Ethan.
"Let it go mum" I said soothingly trying to calm my mum.
"I spent one  thousand dollars on that phone and so much money on that case for it to be stolen and broken by a little twerp"my mum grunted turning the wheel sharply into our driveway. I pulled the door open and walked down the stairs with Boss dog bounding next to my feet. The door was open so I walked in and saw Brianna looking at me with a smirk.
"Lost your phone?" Brianna snickered. I rolled my eyes.
"Some bratty kid broke it" I hissed back.

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