worst lesson ever.

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"school sucked, i cant wait to have my first lesson with express though" i said to ally as i brushed the caked up mud of express.

"okay girls meet me in the arena in five" alan said glarring at me. the redheaaded man was freaky. i nodded and started pciking out his hooves as fast as i could. i pulled a bitless bridle over his sleek face. every since that ride express had seemed calmer around me. i grabbed a barback saddle pad and slapped it on his back. i gave his massive shoulder a pat and lead him into the arena.

"this arena has the best view" i said in awe looking over the moutain view.

"leg up please" i said. ally nodded andgave me a leg up. i sat on his abck for a few second then gave a click and asked for a walk. me and ally lapped the arena a few times then alan came in.

"okay girls. today we are fousing on you. the riders. i want to see heels down toes up. elbows linign up with heels. you coamnds to be invisble. feet forwrad in the striups" alan commanded. nervously i nodded. let me tell you alan is so scary. i just wanted to dismout and run out od there.

"trot at letter A" alan commanded. we noded our heads and prepared ofr trot. i gave him a light kick just beofre we hit A and we moved into a trot. i started to rise and fall to his inside shoulder.

"not bad. now kick up your struips and canter around while i set up jumps" alan said moving over to the jumps. i pushed my nleg backc and asked for a canter. we started cantering smoothly. i pushed myself forward moving to the gate. i gave him a pat on theneck and slowed him down as alan motioned for us to come over to him.

" okay Ally your first jump those" he said ponitng to some jumps ina semi-circle. she noded and gave him a kick.

confetti moved into a fast canter and spead towards the first jump. confertti lept over it easily. the next jump was a scary fill and the small horse took it easily and finshed the course like it was nothing.

"cally" he sia dnodding at me. i agve him a kcik forcing him into a canter. we took thenfirst jump with ease. i pulled him with the inside rein a bit forcing him to take the jumps in the middle. the next jump wasnt as tall and he took it like a trot pole. te next jump was much bigger causing him ti be shocked and he misjuged the higght leaping up without enough force and knocking the poles with his knees. i was flung into hsi neck as he started bucking. i tried to yank him away from the next jump. instead he rammed into into it and kept bucking. my hands yanked the rein back and i just got off. my feet slammed into the arena sand and i walked away leavig the stallion into the arena. ally ran after me but i shove dher away.

i yanked out my phone and started texting mum

( cally )

pick me up please

( mum )

okay fine i'll be there in twenty

"cally! come back" ally said grabbing me by the shoulder.

"no!" i scremaed shoving her in the stomach and walkign away.
" express is to hard to train! I give up" I shouted causing a few horses to spook.
" cally. Take a deep breath and get back in the saddle" Ally told me. I rolled my eyes and she twisted the cap of her water bottle and sprayed it in my face.
" hey!" I screamed shoving her with my damp hand.
" get in the saddle or I'll through horse dung at you" she threatened. I put my hands up and walked over to express in the arena. I mount up and give him a click moving him into a canter.
" okay girls take those jumps one more time" Alan told us. Ally nodded and kicked her paint into. Flying canter . I watched as they kept over the first jump with ease.
They trotted back to us after finishing the course with a grin. I bit ny lip nervosky and gave the horse a kick. He pulled his head down into a canter. His smooth gait rocked by nervous away.  As we came to the first jump I gave him a kick and he floated over it. I gently pulled him into the second bigger jump. He took it with ease and I gave him a pat. We jumped every jump with ease. The last one a scary Gil caused express to spook. He reared up with his legs touching his clouds. I let out. Blood curing scream as he stepped backwards falling into the jump. My head slammed into the wooden pole as express stumbled over me.
" ugh. Oh my gosh" I mumbled staring at the sky. Express had gotten up and was eating some grass on the side of the arena.
" check his legs please" I asked slowly sitting up. Ally moved over to express and check his legs.
" he's all good" ally said standing up and giving the stallion a pat on his thick neck.
" that's good I'll take him to his paddock" I said walking over and flipping the reins over his head.
" I'm sorry buddy" I said as I opened the gate and we walked down the path to his paddock.
" I promise your gonna become a champion" I said stroking his head. I know he can be a champion and I will make him one.
" have fun express" I told him as I opened the gate up. He threw his head up and let out a nicker. I gave him a pat then pulled the bridle off. He reared up and started to gallop in the paddock bucking and play fighting with the other horses.

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