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10 years ago


"Give us the money and the evidence if you don't want me to shoot your head."

"No! Just shoot me!"

"Dad, no!!"

"Shut your mouth, kid! Well..do you want me to shoot you ins-"

"No! Not my child! Shoot me, just shoot me!"

"I'm easy to deal with.."

"Appa, no!!!"


"There are police outside!"


The child went to his father, lifeless.


"My Y/N..protect your siblings..I-i love you all.."

"My child!" Their mother ran as she hugged her child.

"Mom..he's gone.." the child cried as he pointed at his father.

Present time

Your POV

"Mom, do you want me to buy you some groceries..my apartment is just near from your house.." I told my mom on thr phone.

"You don't have to..we'll be alright, Y/N. Just come over and don't spend your money." Mom chuckled.

I ended the call and started driving, I arrived at the grocery store. I bought some vegetables, bread, meat, and dairy. I paid for it and I'm on my way to my family.

I knocked on the door, my mom opened it and hugged me.

"Oh. You really bought us some groceries..you just wasted your money."

"That's okay, mom. So how are yo-" I was cut off when my phone rang.


"Detective Choi, we need you in the office."

"Yes, sir. I'm on my way."

"Mom..I gotta go now, they need me in the office. Bye!" I kissed her cheeks and waved goodbye.

I went inside my car, while driving, I saw a car following me. I cocked my gun and went to another direction where there will be no people. They followed me and we ended up in a silent alley. I drifted my car and blocked their way. I saw a guy went off and was about to shoot me. I shot him and hid to another place. As I finish them, someone survived and tried to run away, I chased him and we fell in the streets. I punched him hard.

"Who ordered you to follow me?!" I grunted as I pointed my gun on him.

"W-we are just random punks.." he lied, I punched him again.

"Who?!" I grabbed his collar.

"I-i'm telling the truth.."

I saw a tattoo on his body, that seems familiar. I grabbed his hair and was about to punch him..

"Stop." A woman's voice commanded. I looked at her direction..

 I looked at her direction

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I chuckled.

"Who are you?" I asked her as I show her my I.D.

"Detective Choi Y/N..I am the new detective in your station. Myoui Sharon Mina, from Japan." She showed me her I.D. She grabbed the guy and went inside my car.

"Yah! How can you go inside my car without my permission?" I shouted. She sat on the passenger seat while the guy is on the back seat. We drive on our way to the station.

"Chief, I was ambushed by six guys on my way to the office..this one survived and won't tell the person behind it."

"Put him inside my office and prepare an electric chair." Chief commanded as I salute to him.

"And you are?" He asked Myoui.

"Myoui Sharon Mina. Detective, from Japan." She bowed.

"Good. Detective Choi, I want you and Detective Myoui to finish this confidential mission together."

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