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I was about to open the door, I am slowly seeing their boss. Not until someone pulled me


"There are guards on their way to us."

"We can't hide anywhere here.." I sighed.

I can hear footsteps arriving..she pulled my necktie and placed her lips unto mine.

"Excuse me, this is not a place for you, lovers.." the guard coughed. 

"Oh. Sorry.." Mina bowed and pulled me.

"Yah! Mina, why would you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Pull me and did not let me see the boss." 

"You'll be in danger if I did let you."

"But still, danger is a part of my job." 

"Why? Do you want to blow our cover?"

"Still-" Seungcheol cuts me off.

"Y/n, I got an evidence..they have a symbol. Remember when you got ambushed and someone survived? Do you still remember his tattoo?" 


"Every member of the Adrenaline has it. Except for spies..he's a member of Adrenaline syndicate." 

I looked at him seriously. 

"Cheol, that tattoo.." 



"Don't touch my father!" Y/n shouted as he pulled the man's shirt and saw a tattoo, the man was wearing a mask.

"Shut up!" the man pushed Y/n away as he pointed the gun to his father..

"Appa! No!" 

End of flashback

"The killer of my father has the same tattoo.."

"Does it mean..." Cheol's eyes widened 

"My father's killer is a member of Adrenaline syndicate.." I sighed.

"Yah. You Mina, why won't you speak? After kissing hi-"

I placed my hands on his mouth.

"Do you still think your father's killer is still alive?" Mina asked out of nowhere.

"I know that punk is still alive." I shortly told her. 

My phone rang, showing Chief's contact number. I answered it.


"Detective, any leads?" 

"We have one, Chief." 

"Good. Head to the office, now."

"Let's go.."

As we head to the office, Mina is not even moving. 

"Yah. Mina, you okay?" I asked.

"Yes. Just a bit tired.." she sighed.


"What's with the lead?" 

"Chief, the guy that survived during the ambush. He has the same tattoo as the symbol of the Adrenaline syndicate, I still remember when my dad was killed, the killer has the same tattoo as them." 

"Does it mean..they are all connected with each other?" Chief asked and I nodded.

"Send me a copy of a picture of the symbol tomorrow. Rest and take a sleep." Chief commanded and we salute to him.

"I'll take you home, Mina."

I drive to her apartment. She didn't even talk the whole time.

Mina's POV

No..I can't let them know the truth. I sighed as I pour some wine on the glass and took a sip.

I have to distract Y/n..

Your POV

While driving, I saw a car following me again. I held my gun from the storage compartment. I did a U-turn and blocked their way. I pointed my gun towards them.

"Who are you?!" I shouted, still pointing my gun.


"I said who are you?!"

One of the guy lifted his gun and I quickly fired him on his arm.

"You two, go inside my car or else I'll make a scene." I stared at them as the guy lifted the other one and went inside my car. 

I drove to an abandoned place. I called two policemen and told them to bring my 44 Magnum gun. I tied them in a chair. My workmates came and opened the box that contains my gun.

"So.." I sighed and showed them the gun, I took one bullet and placed it. 

"We'll play a little game, Russian Roulette. If you speak the truth, I'll set you free. Understood?" I asked as I cocked the gun and pointed it to them. I fired, no one was shot, yet. 

"My turn.." 



I pointed it again..


"Stop! W-we'll tell the truth..we are sent by our boss. We are from the bar earlier." 

"Who's your boss?" 

"We can't tell it to you, punk!" the other man laughed. I looked at him, he was the one that I shot earlier.

"Do you want to have an even arms?" I asked and cocked the gun and was about to shoot him again..

"Detective, stop." a voice called and echoed around the place.

"Detective Myoui?" 

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