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"The symbol of Adrenaline.."

"But it doesn't mean he's a mem-" I cut her off.

"His voice is so familiar..the voice who shouted at my fath-"

"Surely you are just mistaken and stressed..please go home now, love.."

"I'll stay in the office, love. Sorry, I can't go home after the incident." I sighed and went to my car. I sighed and went to the office.

I sat on my chair and removed my vest and unbuttoned two buttons on my shirt and lifted the sleeve and opened my laptop. I searched for Jang Hanseok, he's a famous businessman and a charity donor. I called my friend Jin, a hacker and he gathers information.



"I want you to search for Mr. Jang Hanseok and the Adrenaline syndicate."

"Okay. Noted, do you need it now?"

"As soon as possible, please. Thank you."

I ended the call and make myself some coffee.

"How can Jang Hanseok is connected with Adrenaline?" I whispered and massaged my head.

"Detective Choi, someone's looking for you."

I turned my head. A man in a suit greeted me, he looks above 40 years old.

"Detective Choi, can we talk in a more private space?"

"And by the way, I am Han Jowoon."

"Choi Y/n."

I drived into a cafe and booked for a private seat. We ordered some coffee and took a seat.

"So why did you call me?" I asked as I took a sip of my coffee.

"I am here to help you, Detective."

"Help me for what?"

"To catch the boss of Adrenaline."

"How did you know me?" I asked

"It doesn't matter-"

"I said how did you know me?!"

"Calm down..I have known your father for years."

"We are close friends.." he added.

"There are spies around you.."


It was Mina..

"Excuse me, I have to answer this.."


"Where are you? I went to your office you're not there."

"Love, I have a meeting with someone. I'll make it up to you later."

"Love, who are you meeting with?"

"Mr. Han Jo..I don't remember that much..." I chuckled.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, love..I'm gonna be alright, I love you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, love.."

"Okay..love you, too."

I ended the call and went back to him.

"So you got a girlfriend?" He asked and chuckled.


"Who was it?"

'Does it matter?' I thought to myself.

"Myoui Mina, a detective."

"Oh..the spy." I heard him whispering.


"Oh..I mean she looks like a spy because of her looks." He laughed.

I'm trying not to punch this guy, I don't want to waste my time with this kind of people.

"Well, as I was saying, Detective. The reason why you can't catch their boss..the one who killed your father, it is because there are spies who gathers information and will tell it to the boss and the boss will clean those easily."

"And..spies can pretend to be someone. Be careful, detective." He chuckled and stood up.

"Thank you for your time, detective. Good bye!" He smiled.

He left and I went to a flower shop and chocolate store. I want to surprise my girl after being busy the whole time.

I headed to her apartment, she gave me a spare key last time so I could open it. I opened it slowly..

"I love Y/n. It has nothing to do with me being a spy for them. I know that Jang Hanseok is the one who killed his father."

She turned her head and dropped her phone.

"Love.." she whispered

I Don't Understand, But I Love You..Where stories live. Discover now