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3rd person POV

As the time passes, Mina waited for Y/n even though it's too dark outside.


"Y/n, this is Mrs. and Mr. Chou. We want you to be with their daughter, Chou Tzuyu." Y/n's mother introduced.

"Hi, Y/n! You are really good looking!" Mrs. Chou smiled.

"This is our beautiful daughter, Tzuyu.."

"Oh, hi.." Y/n bowed and kissed her hand for some respect. Their parents smiled.

"They are really a good match!" Mr. Chou laughed.

"Choi Y/n, nice to meet you." Tzuyu replied.

After the Chou family left, Y/n talked to her mom.

"Mom, do I really have to do this?" Y/n sighed.

"My child, we have no money anymore. Please let me, I'm sorry.." Y/n's mother teared up as she hugged her child.

Years have passed, Y/n became a Police Detective and Tzuyu became a CEO of her own company, their relationship is forced.

End of flashback

"He's awake, just don't let him move yet." the doctor smiled.

Tzuyu went inside Y/n's room.

"Y/n.." Tzuyu went to Y/n's arms.

"Aw..I-i have a wound, Tzu.."

"Why would you even let a bullet touch you?" Tzuyu smiled at him.

Mina was outside, looking at them.

"Let me take care of you, Y/n."

"There's no need of that, Tzuyu..I-i can handle myself."

"I'm your girlfriend, Y/n." Tzuyu seriously stared at him.

"Cheol!" Y/n called


"You can go home now, please drive Mina to her place.." Y/n told Cheol and Tzuyu looked at him.

"Good night, Y/n. Take a good rest." Mina bowed as she left.

"Why is she here?" Tzuyu asked.

"The mission is assigned for the both of us, she's my accomplice."

"Can't you just do it with Seungcheol?" Tzuyu asked.

"Let me call your chief.." she added but Y/n stopped her.

"No. I-i mean, Chief wanted to finish this mission with her.."

"Are you hiding something, Y/n?"

"Why would I?"

"You seem to be concerned about that Mina."

"I am really.." Y/n thought to himself.

"Well, we're workmates so I should be concerned."

"Then why would you be concerned about her? She chose that dangerous job and she has to do it!" Tzuyu shouted.

Y/n's expression became blank.

"Look..I'm sorry, Y/n." Tzuyu apologized.

Tzuyu got a call from her company.

"Tsk. I have to go, I can't take care of you.." Tzuyu sighed.

"I'm gonna be alright." Y/n blankly told her.

Tzuyu left him alone. Y/n tried to stand up.

"Argh! Aigo, it hurts." he screamed in pain.

"The doctor told you not to move, why did you?" a voice told him.

"Mina?!" Y/n squealed.

Well....Mina told Cheol that she can go alone but she just waited for Tzuyu to leave and she went back to Y/n's room.

"Why?" Mina smiled.

"I thought you're going home.."

"You think I can go home when you are here lying in a hospital bed?" Mina laughed.

Mina placed another pillow on Y/n's back, the nurse came with a food.

"Yah. Eat up." Mina told him while offering him a spoonful of food.

"Yah. You're going to choke me." Y/n teased and ate the food.

After eating, Y/n opened his cellphone and ordered some food online so Mina could eat.

Few minutes later


"Let me check it." Mina excused and opened the door.

"Delivery for Minari.." the delivery guy handed her the paper bag.


The guy left as Mina looked at Y/n.

"What?" Y/n laughed.

"Eat up or I'll feed you." He added.

"Punk." Mina whispered, blushing.

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