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Your POV

I slept at her couch, I didn't checked the file that's on her desk. I don't want to doubt her.

I cooked breakfast for her and left her apartment.

I arrived inside my apartment and laid on my bed..why does she have a file of Adrenaline?

I grunted as I cleared out my thoughts by texting her.

"Good morning!"

"Morning, Y/n! :))"

"How was your sleep?"

"Good..and you?"

"I slept on your couch ㅋㅋㅋㅋ!"

"Oh. Maybe I was so tired last night that's why I didn't told you to sleep beside me ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

I smiled while texting her.

Minari sent a photo.

I jumped from my bed and started punching the air.

"Yah! Isn't that illegal to be that beautiful?" I replied.

"Whatever..you like it anyways.."

I smiled again. I saved the photo and stared at it for 5 minutes until a pillow smacked my head.



"You're staring at her photo for a minute, are you together now?!" Cheol asked this man can be a spy, he just entered my apartment without any noise..or there's a noise but I didn't noticed it as I was so busy staring at her picture..

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked Cheol.

"What about Tzu-" I cut him off.

"Ah..the forced girlfriend?"

"Eh?!?" He shouted.

"Why do you seem so shocked?" I asked and chuckled.

"So..how does it feel when two foreign women compete on you?" He asked and laughed.

"I don't need any competition, Mina is the only one that I'll choose." I smiled.

"Yah! You're making me blush.." Cheol laughed and kicked my back.


"Our Y/n is a man now!" He laughed.

I chuckled, my phone rang.


"Detective Choi,  you and your department are assigned to guard the presidential candidate Jang Hanseok. You need to be in the place at 10:00 am."

"Yes, sir."

I ended the call and sighed..I want to spend my time with Mina..

I went to her apartment and thankfully it's only 7:30 am.

"Hii, love!" She exclaimed and hugged me.

"Love, I have been assigned to guard Mr. Jang Hanseok, the presidential candidate." I sighed.

"Why do you look sad?" She asked and caressed my back.

"I wanna spend my time with you.." I pouted.

She laughed.

"It's okay, love..you have to finish what you are assigned to. Understood?"

"Ye..but where's my energy?"

"What?" She asked

I pointed at my cheeks, she giggled and kissed my cheeks, I hugged her tightly and spend the rest of the time with her.

I went back to my apartment and changed into a white polo, black slacks and shoes with a bulletproof vest. I cleaned my gun and practiced to aim. Cheol finally called me to go to the place.

The place was like a president's house, fl of bodyguards. The program started.

"I, Jang Hanseok..will be running for presidential candidate this year." The people clapped while Cheol and I were busy guarding him. His voice was so familiar.

I saw a small dot laser on Mr. Jang's chest. I quickly held my gun and shouted.

"Sniper!" I shouted as his bodyguards pushed him away. The assassin failed to shoot him, I started shooting where I saw him. The other guards chased him and I went with Mr. Jang. They hid him and they unbuttoned his shirt..I saw the Adrenaline symbol...I looked at him.

I stopped looking at him when I got a call from Mina.


"Love! I heard there's a problem there..are you alright?!" She asked, panicking..

"I'm alright, love..don't be worried too much."

"And I saw something.." I added. I left them and went to the garden.

"Mr. Jang Hanseok, has a tattoo.." I sighed.

"It's normal for some people-"

"The symbol of Adrenaline.."

I Don't Understand, But I Love You..Where stories live. Discover now