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3rd person POV

The two stood still, hugging each other. Not until a gun was pointed at Y/n.

"You're a genius one.."

"Just take me, let Mina live." Y/n stared at the man.

"No. The boss wants the both of you.."

"Go inside."

The two went inside the van. Hands are tied.

They arrived at an old warehouse. The man tied Y/n, hanging.

Y/n didn't talked, just watching if Mina is safe.

"Mina, the boss wants to talk to you."

Footsteps are arriving..

Revealing the boss..

It was Han Jowoon.

The two were shocked.

"Surprised?" Jowoon chuckled.

"Well, Jang Hanseok is my accomplice, old accomplice I mean. He's no longer a part of Adrenaline. I told you Detective, spies are everywhere.." he clapped and slapped Y/n.

"Stop." Mina commanded.

"Oh. You really are a traitor, Mina.." he chuckled.

"Take her to the dungeon." He added.

"No!" Y/n shouted.

Jowoon laughed.

The men pulled Mina outside, Mina's eyes changed.

She kicked the man, and punched the other one. She twisted their bones and punched them hardly. Leaving them asleep.

She ran to the office and looked for Seungcheol.



"I need you help.."

"What do you mean?"

"Y/n was abducted by the Adrenaline's boss."


On the other side, Jowoon started to pour gasoline around Y/n. He lit up his lighter and threw it as he went outside.

"Yah!" Y/n grunted.


Before Mina could go, there was a heavy traffic.

"I can't let Y/n get hurt by him.."

"Stop worrying, that punk is a strong one." Cheol chuckled.

After 50 minutes, they finally arrived. Mina felt weak as she saw the place..

They went inside, there are policemen..carrying a body.

"No.." Mina whispered.

"Mina.." Seungcheol sighed, tearing up.

Seungcheol forcefully told Mina to go inside the car. They went to the morgue..

"We have no exact identity of the person. But his blood type is A+, 180 cm and he also left this watch." The police gave Mina the watch..it was the watch that Y/n always use..she went near the body and tried not to cry..

A week later, Mina always visits his grave. They announced Detective Y/n..gone.

At the cemetery, Mina caressed his picture and placed a flower.

"I miss you so much, my love.." Mina weakly smiled as she began to cry hardly..she went on her knees, crying hard.

Someone cried while watching Mina..

The guy was wearing a cap, not wanting Mina to know his identity.

"I'm sorry, love.." The man whispered and cried.

"I'll come back as soon as I catch Han Jowoon and I'll live with you.."

The man left and went to a mansion.

"Why are your eyes puffy?" The man asked.

"Nothing, Mr. Jang.."

"You saw her, didn't you?"

The guy nodded slowly..

"Why don't you face her?"

"I want to finish my mission first, I want to protect her first."

The man sighed as he entered his room. Remembering their memories.


"Let me check it." Mina excused and opened the door.

"Delivery for Minari.." the delivery guy handed her the paper bag.


The guy left as Mina looked at Y/n.

"What?" Y/n laughed.

"Eat up or I'll feed you." He added.

"Punk." Mina whispered, blushing.

"Mina, this is a promise ring. I promise you that whatever happens, I will still be here right beside you. I will always protect you from everything, my feelings grew ever since the day we met. Mina, you gave me the best of me. So, I will always show you the best of me. I love you.."

He sighed as he poured some alcohol on his glass.

I Don't Understand, But I Love You..Where stories live. Discover now