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Your POV

"Detective Myoui, why are you here?" I asked and unloaded the gun.

"If you're planning to kill them, stop. You'll just lose a chance to know their boss." 

"They're not even telling me.." 

"Untie them and arrest them instead." She stared at me. 

"Guys, send the two to the office. Check their background." I told them as I dropped the gun. 

'For you, I would, Mina.'

"Why would you even follow me, Mina?" I asked as I walk outside.

"This mission is for us, right?" She asked, staring at me.

"Well, yes it is for us. But I did that because I want to know my father's killer." 

She was about to speak but Cheol called on my phone.


"Y/n, where are you?" 

"I'm here in an abandoned place, I got ambushed aga-" Cheol cuts me off 

"I saw a bunch of armed men following you earlier.." 

"I-i already arrested-"


"Mina! Hide there.." I held her hand and dragged her inside a room as we both hide. I cocked my gun and went outside as I locked the door so Mina won't go outside. 

"Stay there, I can do it alone.."

"Y/N!!" she shouted as she banged the door.

I hid from them, I saw six men on their way to Mina..I grunted as I fake coughed, they loooked into my direction. 

"You know? There's a saying that animals are easier to kill when they're together?" I spoke and finally fired them as I switched my place. 

While reloading my gun, a gun pointed at me. I quickly took it and punched the man's face hardly until it bleeds. I hid again as I heard a gunshot, I quickly found them and fired them. 

Cheol's POV

Aigoooo! They got screwed..I quickly called for a backup as I ran to the place while holding my gun. I shot them and saw Y/n hiding. 

"Yah! You cowards, go here!" I shouted to distract them, they looked at me and I rolled over to dodge the bullets. Y/n started to shoot them. 

The backup finally came and finished them. I heavily sighed.

Your POV

Sweating hard, I finally unlocked the door where I locked her. Thankfully, the backup came when I ran out of bullets.

"Sorry.." I sighed and she looked at me.

I looked away and saw one of the men still moving. He pointed his gun to Mina, I hugged Mina as I cover her.


3rd person POV

"Y/n!!" Mina shouted, she looked at the guy and someone shot him, Cheol.

Mina quickly caught Y/n, he laid on her, bleeding.

"Rescue! Call the rescue!" Cheol shouted.

The rescue arrived, they placed Y/n on the stretcher and took him to the hospital. They entered the operating room. 

While Mina was waiting for Y/n, the nurse gave her his clothes..full of blood.

"Why would he even catch the bullet for me?" Mina thought to herself as she sighed.

She waited for Y/n to wake up, she heard some footsteps arriving. She thought it was their Chief..but she was wrong.

"Where is my boyfriend?!" The woman asked Cheol.

"Y-yah..is Y/n your boyfriend?!" 

"I'm not in the mood for questions, where is my boyfriend?" she seriously asked. 

"Y'n's still in the operating room.." Cheol answered.

"I thought Y/n is still single all this time.." Cheol whispered.

"We are together for six years." she shortly replied. 

Mina felt an ache when she heard that.

She looked at Mina then stared at his clothes that she was holding. 

"Is that my boyfriend's?" she asked and Mina nodded.

"Here, take it. I am Detective Myoui Mina from Japan." Mina introduced.

"Chou Tzuyu, his girlfriend and a CEO." 

"Wow, Y/n really seems to like foreign women.." Cheol laughed secretly. 

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