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Your POV

"Sir. Can't I just do it with Seungcheol?" I asked chief.

"What?! Y-yah! Y/n, I'm just here sitting peacefully but you'll just call my name out of nowhere." Seungcheol frowned.

"It would be more better if Detective Myoui will join you for me to see if she could finish a confidential mission." Chief chuckled and tapped my shoulder.

"So..okay, lunch time!" Chief shouted.

"What about tonkatsu for lunch?" She asked.

"For them?"

"For the two of us.." she smiled.

She dragged me into my car and Seungcheol saw us.

"Yah! Chief told that you'll be together just for a mission, not for a relationship!" He laughed as I glared at him.

We arrived at the restaurant. She ordered us some food.

"So..Detective Choi, any family background?" She asked.

"Not in the mood to tell it."

"Oh. Why?"

"Nevermind." I sighed. "My father was killed after being threatened by someone who wants my father to give them money and some evidence. I don't remember the man who killed him, I was 14 years old when we were kidnapped, he was shot infront of me.."

Her smile faded..

"Sorry..I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, I'm now looking to serve justice for my father.." I smiled.

"You know that justice won't bring any peace to your life but trouble?" She seriously said.

"My father did nothing but save everyone but look what they did to him.." I sighed and drank some water.

"Calm yourself, Detective." She stared at me.

"Perhaps..your father is always proud to have a good-looking son.." she smirked. We stared at each other.

"Here's your order.." the food arrived.

"Eat up, detecti-" I cut her off.

"Don't call me detective if we're not in the office, just Y/n."

"Okay..so let's eat, det-" she teased as I looked down, laughing.

"So..Y/n, what is your ideal type in a woman?" 

I choked from eating.

"Oh. Did I surprised you from my question?" she chuckled and stood up and patted my back.

"I-i'm alright, Detective Myoui.."

"Stop the formality.." she teased.

"Well, I'm alright, Mina." I smiled at her.

"Uhm..my answer to your question are..a woman who's God fearing of course, someone who is responsible to her family, someone who has a good occupation, someone who is willing to love me for who I am." I smiled, thinking about how my future woman would look like.

"What about you, Mina?" I added and her eyes widened.

"Oh. The tables have turned.." she laughed.

"Well..my ideal type is the same one as yours, someone who is God-fearing, respectful, can do simple chores, someone who's willing to wait for me, and someone who will protect me from anything, and of course..someone who will remind me how important and precious I am.." she chuckled.

"What about the looks?" I asked. 

"It really doesn't matter for me, but my ideal is tall, has a nice haircut, brown eyes, a bit fit." she chuckled.

"I realized that you are really tall, Y/n.."  she added and I can feel heat in my face.

"Did my words made you uncomfortable, Y/n?" she checked my face which is now firing red.

"N-no..the soup is just hot.." I chuckled.

"But we didn't ordered any soup.." she laughed and pinched my cheeks.


"I never knew that a strong and untouchable detective like you can be that sensitive in just a few simple compliment.." she laughed. 

I bit my lip in embarrassment. Her phone then rang. 

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