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Your POV

"I'm sorr-"

"Shh. I already know it, Mina."

"What do you mean, love?"


I searched for the members of  Adrenaline spies. I saw a name..

Myoui Sharon Mina

I can't seem to hate her.

I let her betray me, because I love her and I don't wanna lose her.

End of flashback

"You should hate me.." she cried.

"I can't."

Instead, I just kissed her forehead but she pushed me away.

"You know I'm trying to hate you but I can't. I don't seem to cut you lose..I let you betray me while I am only here loving you truly." I also teared up.

"But why?!"

"I don't understand, Mina.."


"I don't understand, but I love you."


"Please..let me have a time alone, Y/n. I'm not yet ready to face you. I'm going to fix this for us." she added as she cries.

"If that's what will make you calm..I'll go now." I left her apartment and went to the office.

3rd person POV

Mina planned to quit being a spy. She wanted their relationship in peace. She planned to go to the Adrenaline office, she fixed herself and is now on her way.

She saw a car following her, she tried to escape but another car followed her.

"Freak." She fastened her seatbelt and drove faster. The man peeked out of the car window with a gun. Mina heard a gunshot, not from the man but she also heard a man riding a motorcycle firing them.


Y/n started driving to their office, he felt unsafe. He went inside the gun facility.

"Can I get the SMG and a silencer, please?"

"Sure, detective..

"And also a grenade launcher."

"Detective, is everything alright?"

"Yes.." he chuckled and checked the guns. He placed it inside a bag and signed the paper.

He went to the vehicle camp and borrowed a racing motorcycle and switched its spring.

He went to his apartment. Not even looking around. He went to his room, he changed his clothes. He chose a black leather pants and a black boots and shirt with a black leather jacket outside. He cleaned his own pistol and carried the bag. Carrying his bag full of guns, he saw a woman sitting.


"Where are you going?"


"Is it for that spy?"

"What?" He asked.

"You think I don't know..I found her suspicious ever since. I searched for her name everywhere and saw her a spy in Adrenaline syndicate."

"You never acted like my own girlfriend, Tzuyu.."

"I'll let you choose. Me or that spy?"

The man didn't even hesitate. He left the woman standing.

He started the motorcycle engine and wear his helmet, he waited around Mina's apartment.

"I'll always protect you no matter what, Mina." He whispered and cocked the guns.

'As long as she's in my sight, I'll protect her no matter what. That's what I promised.'

He saw Mina outside her apartment, he saw two cars following her. He followed them and started shooting them to distract them.

End of flashback

Your POV

I fell on my motorcycle, I still tried to shoot them. I went to them and fired their vehicles.

I saw Mina hiding inside her car, crying.

The vehicles exploded, Mina went outside.

I removed my helmet and sighed.


I just hugged her tightly as she cries.

"Y/n, why are you here?" She cried, hugging my jacket tightly.

"Don't cry anymore, I'm here.."

I Don't Understand, But I Love You..Where stories live. Discover now