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Your POV

After 3 days, I was discharged from the hospital, Mina took care of me the whole time.

For my payback, I bought a crochet set and watched some videos while I'm on my short day off because of the incident. I crochet a small detective that looks like Mina. I placed it in a small box with a promise ring. I chose some comfortable casual clothes as I went to her apartment.

I knocked on the door, she quickly opened it and she was shocked to see me.

"Y/n, you startled me.." she chuckled.

"Wanna hang out?" I asked

"Let me change my clothes first." She laughed.

Minutes later, she finally changed and she went inside my car. I drove to a silent place with the sunset. I brought a portable chair for two and a small table with some snacks for us.

I was staring at the beauty of the sky alongside with the woman beside me..

"The sky is so pretty, Y/n!" She exclaimed as I stare at her.

"No. It's beautiful, so beautiful." I said while looking at her, smiling.

Mina's POV

Why is my heart beating so fast?! I saw him looking away, I took out my cellphone and took a picture of him with the sunset.

"The two things I love.." I smiled and he looked at me.


"Nature and sunset.." I lied.

I changed my lockscreen and smiled.

I'm feeling guilty at the same time..I'm falling in love with the one I'm spying on.

The moon rises, we're still here. He brought a portable stove and some pan, he cooked for us. We started to eat.

"I have a surprise for you.." He smiled at me.

I don't deserve you..

"Hm?" I replied.

"Look at the sky.."




The fireworks lights up the dark night. I smiled, he looked at me who's enjoying the fireworks show. He then handed me a box.

"Open it."

I opened it and saw a crochet plushie that looks like me, I laughed..my smile faded when I saw a small box inside.

He took it and opened it.

"Mina, this is a promise ring. I promise you that whatever happens, I will still be here right beside you. I will always protect you from everything, my feelings grew ever since the day we met. Mina, you gave me the best of me. So, I will always show you the best of me. I love you.." He looked at me sincerely and placed the ring on my left ring finger.

I am now tearing up..

"I love you, too..Y/n." I smiled while tearing up. Why did I have this kind of love even though I'm a traitor..

He hugged me tightly and caressed my hair.

The fireworks stopped, we are now sitting while admiring the moonlight. We looked at each other, our faces are so close. He kissed my nose and smiled. He removed his jacket and placed it to my shoulders.

I leaned on his shoulders while admiring the moonlight, he placed his hands on my shoulder.

Your POV

While admiring the moonlight, I saw the woman, my girl sleeping. I stared at her for a minute and smiled.

I love you so much..you're the only woman who made me feel like this.

In the many grains of sand
I can only find you
I want to protect you who's sleeping next to me in this night

I will always protect you no matter what.

I carried her and placed her in the passenger seat, I buckled her seat belt and I went to my seat and started to drive. I lowered her seat so she can sleep peacefully. I smiled while looking at her beauty, ethereal beauty.

I arrived inside her apartment and carried her to her bedroom and laid her on her bed. I walked around and I saw a file on her desk, that's the symbol of Adrenaline.

What does it mean?

I Don't Understand, But I Love You..Where stories live. Discover now