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After Han Jowoon set the place in fire, there is Mr. Jang Hanseok hiding with his two bodyguards. As soon as Jowoon left, they entered the place. Y/n managed to untie himself by turning upside down and untied himself, the fire was scattering around him, he covered his nose and tried to run to the door but he passed out.

"Yah. Carry him.." Hanseok commanded.

The other bodyguard tripped, Hanseok realized that it will explode. They quickly ran outside and the place exploded.

End of flashback.

Your POV

I asked Mr. Jang Hanseok for the location of their hideout. I prepared myself and wear a cap as I carried my guns inside my car.

I sneak inside the place. I used a taser on the bodyguards. Someone caught me and was about to shoot me, I pushed him away and I forced to aim to the CCTV. I punched him hard, I let out a heavy sigh and headed upstairs. I saw Jowoon, tracking Mina. No....

I rushed inside and pointed my gun at him.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on Mina." I glared at him.

"Come on, shoot me." He chuckled.

Some bodyguards tried to shoot me from outside, I quickly rolled on the floor to avoid the bullets. Jowoon managed to punch me..

And I passed out...

I woke up with a blurry vision. My hands are tied, I am sitting with a tape covering my mouth. I saw Jowoon holding a knife..

"I know you all know that Jang Hanseok is the boss? You're wrong..I'm the one who killed your father."

"Say goodbye to your love.." he laughed and showed me Mina being tracked by a sniper.

"No!" I mumbled.

The camera then started to stop.

3rd person POV

Seungcheol always stays beside Mina, as Y/n told him. He found a man from afar, a sniper.

"Mina..there's a sniper following you. Hide, now." He whispered through the radio. Seungcheol used a silencer and shot the man.

"Bingo. Such a stupid sniper..tsk."

Mina planned to go to the Adrenaline office. Seungcheol followed her..

Meanwhile, because of Y/n's anger, he managed to untie himself and removed the tape. He saw Jowoon busy from fixing the camera, Y/n punched him hardly causing Jowoon to fall.

Y/n pulled Jowoon outside the room and started beating him up.

"I won't let anyone hurt Mina!" Y/n grunted while punching Jowoon.

On the other side, Mina went to the office downstairs..

Y/n heard a car stopped by. He checked it from upstairs..and saw his lover.


Jowoon found a way to distract Y/n, he slashed his arm with a knife.

Y/n fell on the ground, bleeding. Jowoon escaped from him. Calling someone.

"Prepare my helicopter!" He grunted.

"Yah!" Y/n shouted while bleeding.

Jowoon went to the rooftop. Y/n struggled to stand up because of his wound, he managed to stand up even though it hurts.

"Ah.." he grunted and chased Jowoon.

Y/n jumped on Jowoon, their bodies are almost at the edge of the building.

Jowoon almost stabbed Y/n on his chest and still trying to stab him.

"Say hi to your father.." Jowoon grunted, trying to stab Y/n.


Jowoon fell on the building..

Jang Hanseok sighed heavily.

"Mr. Jang.." Y/n passed out..

"Y/n!" Hanseok shouted and carried Y/n.


Mina and Seungcheol checked the loud thump.

"It was Han Jowoon, the real boss of Adrenaline.." Mina sighed.

"Let's go, let's call the police." They went inside the car and left the place.

Hanseok called his bodyguards to carry Y/n. They went to Hanseok's mansion and called a doctor to treat Y/n.

"It's nothing serious..he'll be alright." The doctor smiled as Hanseok paid him.

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