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Your POV

Mina started to eat the food that I ordered for her. She stared at me while eating.

I winked at her, she raised her middle finger and I laughed.

I mouthed 'I love you, too'.

"Yah." Her eyes widened.

"What?" I held my laugh.

"You have a girlfriend, punk."

"Oh. You mean pretend girlfriend?" I laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"Our relationship is forced by our parents, since we don't have money, my mom wanted me to be with Tzuyu because they have good wealth."

"Hmm.." she replied in response.

"I can buy you everything that you and your mom needs.." she whispered but I pretended I didn't heard that.

As she finished eating, we talked for hours.

"So..Y/n, if we finish this mission..does it mean we're going to forget each other?" She frowned.

"I don-" I was cut off when the door opened.

"My child!" Mom exclaimed and hugged me.

"Mom..I have a wound over there." I told her it hurts so much.

"And who are you, lady?" Mom looked at Mina.

"Detectice Myoui Mina from Japan, Y/n's accomplice." Mina bowed.

"She's beautiful mom, isn't she?" I thought I just said that in my mind but I said it infront of them...

I looked at Mina who's smiling.

"Y-yah.." I stuttered while blushing.

"Uh. I'm the one who's supposed to say that, Y/n.." Mom chuckled.

"Yah, mom!" I hid my face on my pillow.

"She's really beautiful..if there's no Tzuyu, it's going to be Mina.." Mom whispered at me.

"Mom!" I sighed and looked at Mina.

'She's really beautiful..what are you doing to me?!'

She then smiled at me.

"Y/n..what did really happened?" Mom asked but I'm still staring at Mina.


"Stop staring at Mina!" Mom pulled my hair.

"Aw! I was shot because Mina was about to get shot, and I let myself get shot instead.." I scratched my nape.

Mom can't speak but smile while blushing.

"Your dad never did that to me, aigo!" She smiled, as I look down, blushing.

"Well..I'll just take care of your bill-" Mina cuts off my mom from speaking.

"No need, Mrs. Choi. I'll take care of his bills.."

"What?! No, no..I'll take care of it, my daughter." Mom was shocked and she caress Mina's shoulder.

"I already paid for it and his medicine.."
Mina sweetly smiled.

"Yah. Mom, did you just called her daughter?" I stuttered.

"And..is there something wrong?" Mom asked, teasing me.

"Anyways, I gotta go now, I have to cook for your siblings. Thank you so much, my Mina..aigo, thank you very much.." Mom hugged Mina.

"No problem, Ms. Choi. Y/n risked his life just to save me and I'm thankful for that." She smiled at my mom and hugged her back.

My mom left and Mina, I saw her yawning and was about to go to the couch to sleep.

"Mina, don't sleep in the couch."

"Why? I have no other place to sleep-"

"Beside me."

She looked at me.


"I mean, sleep beside me and use the other pillow to divide our places.."

She lied down beside me and I already heard Mina snoring. I can see that she's struggling with the pillow that's separating us. I removed it and placed it on her side so she won't fall.

Next morning

I woke up and felt someone hugging me.


The door opened, revealing Seungcheol. This is such a right timing.

"Yo-" he dropped the fruits that he's carrying.

"Shh. You might wake her up." I shushed.

"Y/n..I thought you are the patient but why do you treat that woman like a princess? Like you always do that.."

"Do you like her?" Cheol added.



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