19| Detective

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Samantha had sent Bia tickets to the States the very next day. She had booked her flight for the next week, however Bia was unsure if she would be able to visit Sam for Aaron was making it impossible for her to take a break. She was barely sleeping for 3 hours everyday for she was busy poring over the files, strategies, documents and tenders. Everyday there was a new task and she was finding it extremely difficult to cope up. With bigger shares came bigger responsibilities and she couldn't help but admire Aaron for how he managed all it all. She knew that he was a workoholic and an insomniac and even though, she hated that about him while they were married, she couldn't help but envy him now. That man was a robot but she wasn't and so she didn't know how to handle the new found responsibilities for that man was testing her way beyond her limits.

In the past week there had been countless crying sessions, countless instances where she felt like giving up, countless moments when she missed Rahim's counselling. She missed his perspective, his encouraging words, his positive outlook on life. She never thought she would say it but she missed her psychiatrist, she felt like she no longer had a vent. Even though, Rahim had recommended her a couple of psychiatrists and she had tried out a few sessions with them, she just didn't feel satisfied. They were good but they weren't Rahim. They didn't respond how he did, they didn't understand her like he did and she wasn't willing to divulge whatever Aaron had done to her to the new psychiatrist. She had become habitual of her telepsychiatry sessions and now starting again with a new psychistrist felt harder than expected.

"Rahim isn't it possible to have you as my psychiatrist, it's hard starting all over again with a new one. It feels repetitive and frustrating. I need you," she had eventually sent him a voice note after many tries. It was the first time for her when she had asked him for his help and she didn't know any better to phrase it. Though, she wanted to delete this voice note like the many others she had deleted prior to it because she felt too vulnerable asking for his help. However, before Bia could overthink about the voice note, a meeting was called in by her mother where they discussed about the launch of a new product. After the meeting Bia really didn't have time to think about anything else but the work assigned to her.

Days passed by but the work load didn't seem to lessen. Despite the work, Bia decided to go cheer Samantha up. Sam had always been there for her like a real sister so she couldn't miss the opportunity to be there for her on the first day of her shoot. So she took a flight and came to Hollywood to surprise her.

Sam was in the middle of the shoot and feel couldn't help but watch her in awe as she enacted the scene. Pride brimmed her eyes as she saw her cousin do stunts herself instead of using the stuntsmen.

"Bia! Oh my God, you came!" Samantha rushed to hug Bia the moment she saw her.

"Duh, I couldn't miss it for the world! You were phenomenal! When did you learn all these stunts huh? You seemed like a pro, damn you are a baddie! Anybody would piss their pants seeing you fight like this!"

"You never fail to make me go gaga," Sam smiled heartily hearing all the praises.

"Bia you go sit there and wait till I get this shot completed and then Dwaybe will also come in about an hour so we could both have our fangirling moments together." Sam told Bia before she was called back again.

Bia couldn't help observe the chaos around her, how everyone was busy putting up the props, clearing the scene for the next shot, fixing the lights and the camera, busy revising the lines, doing as was instructed by the director. It was twice crazier than what happens backstage of a Fashion show. It was a totally different energy altogether and Bia couldn't help admire all that goes behind the making of a movie. She couldn't help but realise how the stories of countless people working tirelessly behind the scene will go unheard. While the ones working onscreen will not only be paid monetarily but will be loved, idolised and cherished. These actors are the only ones whose stories people would die to listen to, the same way they will care about the story of a CEO and not those working under him. The realization humbled her.

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