You Don't Know How It Feels To Be Me

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Jon watches as Lysithea in all her "manly glory".... in other words no one in Castle Black has yet figured out that she's a woman.... calm his uncles horse which galloped in without his rider and as always she does it without treats and sweets which he's always wondered how she was capable of doing such things not just with horses but any and all animals and though he worries about his uncle who is not with the horse he smiles a few hours later Lord Commander Jeor Mormont holds a graduation of sorts as he names the trainees men of the Night's Watch "you came to us as outlaws.... poachers, rapers, killers, thieves you came alone, in chains, without friends or honor you came to us rich and you came to us poor some of you bear the names of proud Houses, others only bastards names or no names at all it does not matter all that is in the past here.... on the Wall.... we are all one House tonight...."  Jeor says "you're allowed to look happy"  Sam says to Jon as Jeor continues his speech "that's not very manly!"  Lysithea teases in her baritone male voice the guy sitting next to her who's name is Grenn chuckles Jon hides a smile and nudges her "your Uncle's tough Jon he'll find his way home and if you ask me he'll be proud of what you've become while he was away"  she whispers Jon smiles at her "here.... you begin anew"  Jeor says then he walks down of the wooden "podium" and continues his speech "a man of the Night's Watch.... lives his life for the Realm not for a king.... or a Lord, or the honor of this House or that House, not for gold or glory, or a woman's love, but for the Realm and all the people in it you've all learned the words of the vow think carefully before you say them the penalty for desertion.... is death"  he pauses as he looks at all the young men staring at him listening to him go on and on for ages then says "you can take your vows here.... tonight.... at sunset do any of you still keep the Old Gods?"  Lysithea teasingly whispers "nope I pray to dwarven Lannister's with hair spun like gold! though I do wonder why my prayers never get answered I thought a Lannister always pays his debts!"  Jon chuckles softly and nudges her gently with his elbow then stands up and replies to Jeor's question "I do, my lord"  Jeor says "you'll want to take your vow before a Heart Tree as your Uncle did"  Jon nods then replies "yes, my lord"  Jeor says "you'll find a Weirwood a mile North of the Wall and your Old Gods too, maybe"  Sam stand then asks "my lord, might I go as well?"  Jeor asks "does House Tarly keep the Old Gods?"  Sam shakes his head then replies "no, my lord I was named in the Light of the Seven, as my father was and his father before him"  Alliser asks "why would you forsake the gods of your father and your House?"  Sam replies "the Night's Watch is my House now the Seven have never answered my prayers perhaps the Old Gods will"  Jeor says to Sam "as you wish lad"  then he says as he looks at Lysithea "Einar Snær!?"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice "I suppose I could use the fresh air after all I don't think Alliser has bathed in a long time for I can smell him from here!"  the guys around her chuckle and Alliser growls Jeor hides a smile and says to everyone as Sam and Jon sit back down in their seats "you've all been assigned an Order, according to our needs and your strengths"  then he reads from the list he holds in his hand "Halder to the builders Pyp to the Stewards Toad to the Builders Grenn to the Rangers Samwell to the Stewards Matthar to the Rangers Dareon to the Stewards Balian to the Rangers Rast to the Rangers Jon to the Stewards Einar to the Stewards"  Lysithea looks at Jon who she knew was disappointed that he didn't become a Ranger "as long as I don't end up with Alliser I'll be happy!"  she whispers Jon smiles Alliser who was looking forward to seeing the look of disappointment on Jon's face frowns when he sees him smile "may all the gods preserve you"  Jeor says once he finishes reading off the names on the list and what Order they were to join then he walks away and those in charge of each order call upon those who were placed under their care Lysithea gently nudges Jon's arm as they stand then she starts to walk towards Aemon a blind one hundred or more year old Maester who Lysithea is actually fond of and Jon and Sam follow her she walks up the steps and helps Aemon down them as slowly and gently as possible and after thanking her for her assistance he gives everyone their job "Samwell, you will assist me in the Rookery and Library Pyp, you will report to Bowen Marsh in the Kitchens Luke, report to One-Eyed Joe in the Stables Dareon, we are sending you to Eastwatch present yourself to Borcas when you arrive make no comment about his nose Jon Snow, Lord Commander Mormont has requested you for his personal Steward"  Lysithea nudges Jon hard in the arm before he could say a word and he looks at her she shakes her head at him and whispers so softly only he can hear "there are worst things to be, besides he may be able to help you get what you want but first as always you have to prove yourself and giving attitude isn't going to help you get anywhere try to see this as a opportunity not a punishment after all you know why this is happening so piss him off and show him that it doesn't bother you"  Jon nods then smiles "and Einar Snær it seems you are wanted everywhere so you will be wherever you are needed as needed when needed"  Aemon says "in other words I'm either to hated and or feared and not wanted anywhere.... I mean as you wish dragon"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice with a smile Aemon smiles he knew "he" is a smart one Jon looks at the two of them with a slightly confused expression on his face Lysithea walks away and Jon and Sam follow her Lysithea separates herself from Jon and Sam and goes to check on Fenix and Ghost before heading off to see where she was needed first.... later that night Jon, Sam, Lysithea, Fenix, Ghost and a few others head for the Weirwood Heart Tree Fenix and Ghost rush off as soon as they walked out of the open gate and Lysithea smiles at the sight once they reach the tree Lysithea, Jon and Sam kneel before it and say the vow out loud together in unison "hear my words and bear witness to my vow Night Gatherers now my Watch begins it shall not end until my death I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children I shall wear no crowns and win no glory I shall live and die at my post I am the sword in the darkness I am the Watcher on the Walls I am the shield that guards the Realms of men I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come"  Othell Yarwyck a First Builder of the Castle Black says "you knelt as boys rise now as men of the Night's Watch"  since she had been in the kneeling position for so long Lysithea had a little trouble standing up she secretly grips Jon's cloak and uses it to help her stand pulling as gently as she could so he doesn't fall feeling her grip his cloak Jon helps her up luckily she wasn't the only one who had a little trouble standing Sam also wobbled a bit but once he was up Sam hugs the both of them Jon and Sam hug the other men Lysithea on the other hand just shakes their hands which they graciously except for they didn't take her to be a hugger "Ghost!?! what have you got there boy!?!"  Lysithea asks curiously in her baritone male voice when she sees Jon's direwolf walk over with a hand in his mouth Jon turns and sees what she sees he kneels down and says as he reaches his hand out to his pup "to me, Ghost bring it here"  Ghost lays the frozen hand on the ground in front of Jon Lysithea kneels down and pets Ghost as she whisperingly asks in her baritone male voice "where's Fenix!?!"  her pup walks over to her and she sighs in relief then says in her baritone male voice "show us were you found the hand"  both pups rush back into the woods and without waiting for permission she follows and Jon follows her....

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