Chapter 4: The Necklace

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Mikha's Pov

We're currently decluttering here at Colet's condo. She said she wanted to get rid of stuff she's not using anymore. Her condo is such a mess. Well, I admit that my condo is a mess as well but not as much as hers! It's literally so messy here that you would find the tiny tiniest dirt wherever you go.

"Your condo is really a mess." I said as I wiped the dirt off her windows. I actually don't know why I am suddenly helping, when in fact I'm too lazy to do this kind of stuff.

"Stop complaining." She replied.

All of us have different works. I was actually never gonna help but I think they will die from tiredness if they're the only ones who are gonna clean this mess. Colet is designated to mop and clean the floor, Maloi's work is to take care of the trash, Jhoanna is finding stuff that Colet doesn't use anymore, and of course me, who's wiping furniture and appliances.

I hissed. "How can I stop complaining? I'm getting tired already of just looking at this mess."

She just rolled her eyes. "Then don't look at it! Simple!"

Argh! She's still annoying me even though she's not doing something. I actually practice my patience because of them, especially Colet and Maloi, as they're the ones who are super annoying in this group of friends.

"Should I put this in the box Cols?" Jhoanna said while showing a sweater.

Me, Jho, and Maloi laughed because that sweater was given by her ex. All of those memories in the past suddenly popped up in my mind when Jho showed the sweater. I remembered Colet being so obsessed with her ex-girlfriend back then. Gosh! This is fun to do pala ah.

Colet looked at Jhoanna annoyingly. "Get rid of that."

Her response made us laugh even more. Oh I love this! I love when Colet's the one who's getting annoyed by us. I just know that she's now regretting that she invited us to accompany her in cleaning her condo.

"Wow! That sweater is your favorite right? Are you sure that we'l-" Maloi was cut off when Colet suddenly threw her a small book full of dust making us all cough.

I immediately wiped off the dust that went on my face and threw the cloth that I used in wiping to Colet. That cloth was already full of dirt and dust.

"Mikha Lim!" Colet exclaimed as she was still trying to remove the dirt that was on her face and clothes.

I laughed even more when she coughed multiple times. Gosh! Her reaction is more funny. Maloi and I did a fist bump as we annoyed Colet even more.

"Stop that already. You're just making another mess." Jhoanna spoke. She didn't join us on teasing and bullying Colet as she got invested in decluttering Colet's stuff. She got invested because some of our things are here in Colet's condo as well.

I'm done wiping the furniture and appliances. The windows are already clean as well. I decided to help Jhoanna find clothes and other things to be decluttered.

Argh! Colet's things are even worse than the mess in her condo. It looks like we'll be needing another day just to finish doing this. The boxes are 6, and they're not just small boxes. Big boxes! My tiredness increased once again as I saw her stuff.

As I was finding things to get rid of, I saw something familiar. It's a small red box. I decided to get it but there were a bunch of books and other stuff on top of it. Tho, it didn't stop me from getting it since I was curious about it, so I removed all of the books one by one.

I was too stunned to speak when I finally remembered what that small box was. There were actually two of them, one was for me, and the other one was supposed to be my gift for my ex-girlfriend. That small box contains a necklace with a pendant of the sun. I was about to open the box when Jhoanna suddenly took it away from me. 

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