Chapter 16: Truth Or Dare

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Mikha's Pov

I'm still thinking about yesterday. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Why do I need to choose tho? Can't I just ask Aiah to give it back? Of course I can't! Because I don't know how to face her after all.

I also wonder why she didn't give it back to me. Did she not notice that my surname was written on it? Gosh! That's just a hoodie Mikha!

Maybe I'll just let it pass na muna. She's aware naman siguro na that hoodie belongs to someone, so I guess she will tell Jho. Okay I feel relieved now!

"Hoy!" I got back to my senses when Colet called me. I'm sitting here at the bench near the garden that we always go to. I'm just giving myself alone time but here's Colet ruining it. When will they give me peace and freedom from their annoying presence?

"What do you want this time?" I asked. She then sat beside me. She's different today huh. Her smile is different today too. It's more genuine.

I know Colet well. Jhoanna and Maloi too. I know everything about them just like how they know everything about me. I can always feel if they're genuine about something. I can sense when they're not mentally okay.

"Sheena is inviting us to her birthday party later." She responded. Oh, that's the reason why her smile is genuine. It's because of Sheena. She's really in love huh. I'm happy for her because she finally found someone again. I just hope that Sheena will reciprocate her love if Colet ever makes her move.

I raised my brows. "And so?"

"Tanga mo naman. Malamang pupunta tayo!" She annoyingly said so I chuckled. I'm just playing with her. I know that she really wants to go to the party but I think I can't accompany her.

"I can't go." I responded. I need to do some errands in my condo. I also need to bring haru (my cat) to the vet. He needs to get checked every month because I always get conscious about him even though he's not sick or something.

"Here you go again with your favorite reasons. I can't go, pass, not now, blah blah blah." She mimicked those words trying to annoy me. I mean I can't go naman talaga. I'm busy after all!

"Mikhs, please give this day to me." She added while wearing those puppy eyes. She thinks she can convince me with that? Lol she looks funny and ridiculous!

I chuckled. "Yuck, can you stop doing that?"

She rolled her eyes. "Give me a good reason why you can't go."

Hays here we go again with this nonsense arguing. She won't stop talaga until I go. There was one time we had a debate because I couldn't attend dinner with them. Ang kulit!

"I'm busy." I replied shortly.

She raised her brows. "Busy with what?"

"Why do you keep asking so many questions?" I responded with a question. They're always like this. I'll answer their questions then they will question my answer. Parang tanga diba?

"Just say that you don't want to go because Aia-" I cut her off before she could continue her statement.

"I'll go." I stood up and walked immediately. I heard her chuckled.

"Thanks mahal kita!" She exclaimed.

Aiah's Pov

We're currently preparing for Sheena's birthday party. We're not in the main event where the program will happen. Me and my friends decided to surprise her. We've planned this 2 weeks before her birthday.

We rented a resort. We'll be here for two days. This resort is perfect for us! It's huge and it has 3 pools. It has 4 rooms tho. I actually don't know why Stacey and Gwen rented this. I mean 4 rooms? When did they want to sleep alone? Every trip we've done we always sleep together. Even when we're with our families for a vacation, we would always be in one room. Anong trip nila?

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